Thursday, April 17, 2014

.....going the distace on that Last Train...

              Tom and I became close friends fairly quickly, with a lot of the same type of energy, which we shared quickly that Summer when I told him about the 'Party' I wanted to throw, based on some other ones that I had been to in the Litchfield area. Other friends that I met while living in Litchfield when I was still married, had been putting on spontaneous parties any where they could. One of which that stood out was the one that Robbie Roberson ....different 'Robbie'....had put together in part of a State Forest, deep in the woods. He supplied Chicken, and you brought the beer. Beer was the main choice of drink at the time and easy to transport.
       So began the thought process of doing one of my own, since I had gone to several, and thought it only right to be my turn. It hadn't taken me that long to come up with a place to have it. Warren Woods was the natural conclusion, having plenty of room for a few close friends to enjoy the surroundings, which not only had out buildings which included a kitchen, but some 'shelters' and a stage. It also came with a beautiful pond out back. 
       Tom and I soon found ourselves planning this 'little' gathering that I had Dubbed...'Alive in '75 - Lake Country Green'....a little something to commemorate the passing of my father that Spring of '74...April 24th. Also a subtle suggestion of ' Keeping the Lake Country Green' as part of my environment concerns that I had connections with at the Housatonic Valley Association. It did however come out that there was a underlying suggestion of a possible second meaning to that last part of the slogan. 
       We found ourselves running around getting the bumper stickers for that slogan, so that we could present some proper advertising. Also confirming the Park, the food, some entertainment, and of course the beer! Tom also planned on showing his movie which at that point we had made a full circle to when and how we met.
        The date was set for the 24th of May, a meaningful Date, and as it turned out, we did two more on the 24th. The next one was that same Summer in August, and then the last one in July of 1976. All on the 24th. 
      The day had finally come, as we had secured a half ton of Chicken and 40 kegs of beer, all of which was consumed by that 'small' gathering of one Thousand 'close' friends....all enjoying music from many local musicians! 
      Every thing pretty much came together thanks to many close friends that helped to make this happen, and that's what it seemed to reveal, that it was indeed a 'Happening' that was never duplicated, as much as we had tried to do with the other two: 'Independence '76, Remember America',in honor at that time was celebrating the 200th year of our country. The 'last' one, 'Warren Woods...Dirt Roads are Down to Earth', another subtle hint of trying to keep the past Alive. Although it did have the same turn-out as the first, it was overshadowed by having the whole Troop L from the Lichfield police swam in at the end. That didn't set well with the 'powers to be' at the Town of Warren, and when it came around to applying for another go at it that next year, they had come to the conclusion that they didn't want those 'Types' coming into their town park.
      Every year after, I was asked if I would do some called it...a 'Mini Woodstock', I just could not get back that same feeling I had when Tom and I along with so many close friends, had done what was done then.

    Now as we approach the 40th Anniversary  of the first Warren Woods, I find myself held in the balance of two entities. One being just the fact of doing a party....not as big of course..and the other having so many of those good, dear friends gone from ours lives, but never forgotten. Well thanks to many friends that have started a new era of remembrance, that we are now having every year in August, I do hope to have at least another next year for all the occasions....!
.......................Looking forward to seeing you there.....


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