Saturday, May 31, 2014

....following up on the 'Elevens'...

                 This is something that I would like to add to the number 'Eleven', that has quite a impact, not just on my life and birthday, but for other relative circumstances. I found a card that I've had for some years now, and would like to share what it explains about
that particular number in numerology. 

                         If born on the Eleventh: Inspiration

      You have the incredible ability to help others connect with their sense of wonder and zest for life. Your passion for living and personal vitality inspires everyone to open to their creativityWithin you dwells a rushing river of energy waiting to be tapped and harnessed. You are a dynamo of creativity! A powerful emotional drive motivates you to consummate your visions and desires. It may be expressed through dreams, adventures or breakthroughs at the work place. Creative thinking, intimacy and nurturing are also avenues through which you may express yourself.

       This much raw, primal energy can feel as though it has a life of it's own. It does! Use your power instead of stifling it. Be original. It only takes one person to activate change. You might not fit society's pictures, but not to worry. Yours is the master number of inspiration.

       CAREER: Educator, writer, performing artist, religious or spiritual leader, composer, philosopher, counselor.

         CHALLENGES: You may doubt yourself or feel insecure because you are an original thinker. You are delightfully different. When feelings out of balance, ask ' Am I following my dreams and visions ?' Don't worry about how others may perceive you; you are ahead of the pack...they'll catch up!

       Now most of all...Beauty, nature and spiritual ideals are very important to you. Remember to ride the wave of creativity and lust for life as far as possible. Others surely will be inspired by your example.

        I'm not sure how many of you believe in this sort of thing, but for me most of it seems to be Spot on, if not for me than my wonderful and talented Granddaughter, Marley Love, whose birthday is January Eleventh! 
        The number itself has many truths behind it, as we all can testify with certain dates. I have many going through my head, but for now, I'm not sure where this card came from, but I do profess that it being in my hands now, only amplifies all that it has said.

      Now I'll give you what it says on the back about all in general:
      What's right about you? Yes, there are many wonderful qualities about you and every person you know. By focusing on the positive and using it as a lifeline to pull us to a place of greater contentment in ourselves, we take steps to create a world full of harmony and well-being. Sometimes we must work top develop them. Our challenges can point the way to discovering our gifts hidden beneath the surface. The effort we put into learning new ways will be bountifully rewarded.

      When forced with life's challenges, we all have times we need a lifeline to hang on to what's right about us. These cards have been created using numerology and other archetypal systems with the intention of highlighting our strengths. But valuing who we are, we can open more fully to the wonders of those around us, and all of life.

      If any of you would like to contact this card's:

                        HEALING ARTS
                        P.O. box 510
                        San Geronimo, Cal.  94963
                        Phone: 415 488-4738


Saturday, May 10, 2014

.....a celebration of the 'Elevens'....

            At this time in May, always brings back memories of places, people, and things, that come swarming back to me from the past 'lives' that I have encountered in my life. This comes about, since tomorrow is not being just my birthday, and that it is Mothers Day...but for this particular one has many other entities, most of which relate to one and other at different times of my life.

       I was born on Mother's Day, May 11th 1949. They said it could not have happened at a better time, that being Lunch time. I also would be the last child born from my mother, who at the time was forty, and was un-heard of to have babies so late in life. She already had five daughters ahead of me, but without giving up hope to finally having a boy!
        My Aunt Connie was also born on the 11th, and was the youngest girl, only to have my father be younger, also the youngest in his family. I've written some excerpts that my Aunt had wrote in her later years, and those having to do with my Dad that she would always be playing pranks on in the good nature way since they always played together, and well I guess she could get away with it.....and that I know for being in the same position.

       As I grew older I had the chance to meet some very interesting people. Now being at this point of growing into those.. how do you say, 'Golden Years'....lack of better ways of putting it, I've had the unusual timing to meet these people, and to live a frantic but fun life, within my own family, and that of others.
      The first to come to mind, mostly since he not only just left us, but had a most extraordinary life of his own, then passing some of that on to me. Thomas Donald Barry became a good friend and mentor in many plots and sub-plots to activities that I would have never experienced without him. One thing that stands out the most is when we were putting one of our music  festivals together, he suggested that we make a promotional video to go along with the ordinary posters and fliers that we were going to distribute. 
     Tom, who liked himself as the directer, liked to kid around saying that it was all in the name...T. D. Barry, or as he laughingly put it...'Trip Directer' Barry!
     So it began a long friendship that with it came a movie we shot at Warren Woods, with he directing myself and my two dogs at the time, Tokas and Charlie, getting very good footage so that it became the promo piece we took to all the bars in the area to announce the up and coming 'Party' at the 'Woods'. That becoming my claim to fame in a Movie. After that were stills shot in and around down town New York City. A spot on the local radio station that our friend Dimitry set up for an interview explaining what was going to take place, which ourselves weren't even sure at the time. 
    Yes I was, as Howard Stern put it, King of all media, since later I was on Television for the 'Ugliest' Bar Tender...then last but not least, was put in a book about the area in the Northwest part of Connecticut.
     Most all of which wouldn't have happened without Tom, who in his own right had done most of that in his previous life.
    The other friends who come to mind, with great memories, of this month, would be a friend who I've been friends with since Kindergarden, Kirk Freudenburg, who's birthday is two days after mine, and will be celebrating our SIXTY years of friendship now and in August at the 'Reunion-Memorial-Tribute' party on Sat. the 16th. Also some that this is all about...Steve Rudus, who's Birthday was last Thursday, the 8th. Then many more that I'll mention a few...Shrdlu, a good friend and fine musician, that I know would, and still may be wailing on the Harp...Micheal Allen and his brother, Larry.....Barry  Q....who is always present in my mind, John Henry, who as you may know, I'm trying to keep alive in another life's dear friend 'Ty' who will always be with me, as she was a big part of my life!
     There are so many more, and I'm sure you'll keep their memory alive, as myself and others will do as we pass along this long and winding road, may they stay in our hearts forever, and they fine Peace in their new World!