Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's a Blog to do?

.......O.K. as we all know this Face Book thing is just not cutting it w me. So I've decided to go back to the thing that treats me the best...or at least I don't get the distraction of  the FB trivia thing. Speaking of trivia ..did anyone catch the Republican debate this week with the 7 wanna-bees? Well actually there are only 6, because Sarah Phalin said that Michelle Buchann wasn't eligible because she is better looking than her & besides she's too short.
     The 'Don' responded by saying that she could run as  Vice President with him, & if that didn't work out for them he would enter her into his next Miss Alaska contest. Phalin immediatly protested by say  : ' there can't be 2 miss Alaska's & since I'm gonna be it for life, she can come aboard as Vice President , with me being the President of Alaska.
    Well I hope that the Demacrats have better luck with keeping their shit togeather  & that they don't get into ' pissing' contest about who has the better hair or longer  wiener, well at least we know one Wiener not in the race...and another Wiener tring to keep one  Clinton happy thru all this, while another Clinton has his own trouble with wieners....but has the whole 'hair ' thing down.

     I'm so glad that I decided to come back &'s just so much more fun than watching everyone on FB in a pissing contest........