Tuesday, January 18, 2011

From the Woods, to the Golden Bough....& beyond

  After the first 'Woods'...I was planning my 2nd one for Aug. I was sitting at the Pub, talking to a regular, at the time, his name was Richard Bessemer. We started talking about the Festivals & asked me if I ever thought about being a bartender. Well, I thought, yeah, being brought up in a the surroundings of people helping people, in some form. In my case I was raised on a state park in Northwest Ct.,in a little town called Cornwall Bridge, on the Housatonic River. Not only did I become formiliar with the habits of all kinds of people, that came there from exotic places like Thomaston & Norwalk,but I also had a chance to start my own business at age 9 selling worms to fisherman in an 'only' Flyfishing area . By the time I was 13, I was hired to work at a concession stand selling ice cream, candy,soda, & believe it not ..cigarettes!
   So there it began, the knowledge to not only meet & greet but also how to get away w selling illegally certain things over a counter.
    Richard thought , because I doNATEd the proceeds from the festivals to charity, I'd make a good bartender. To this day I'll never understand his reasoning! But who am I to question another drunk. He said he was going to open a local bar w an anonimous backer & wanted only 'local' people to work there. By then I was living in the town that my family helped settle, back in the 1700's, Warren, Ct. Hence the fact that he considered me a 'local'. After training at the Pub, under the keen eye of the manager Barry Quioit, I was then certified...it was'nt until years later that I was certified as something else. So began my allustreous career. {sorry but that story of the Golden Bough, will have to come later}.
   After my time at the Bough, I proceded to my next destination: The Birches, with another ...how do I say...unstable owner, Hienes Hol ,or as we loving remember him as 'Hiney Hole'. A short time after that I went to work at the 'Casino' just up the Lake Rd.  Now I'm really working it! Handing out 5 to 6 Buds at a time to some real locals at a real bar! How could it get any better?

    Next I will reveal  the crowning moment of my career. A hint: I was reminded by Wendy & Joe on FB.

1 comment:

  1. Nate...We were recently talking about the Golden Bough. I was working there when they closed...and honestly can't remember the year it was...do you?
