Wednesday, August 17, 2011

...size matters ...Part 2....

   Billionaire investor Warren Buffett is calling on the megarich to pay more on taxes. Stateing that: " My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress, it's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifices." He also noted that Washington L egislators "feel compelled to protect us much as if we were spotted owls or some other endangered  species." He said he knows many of the megarich well and most wouldn't mind paying more in taxes.
   Upon hearing this Michele Bachmann stated that she can totally relate, even though she doesn't consider herself and her husband, Marcus, one of the megarich, she said she loves owls and is a big fan of  Jimmy's song's especially Margaritaville. She said her and her husband also like to listen to Elvis, who she recently wished a happy birthday to on a campaign stop in South Carolina, while playing the Elvis tune 'Promised Land'. That did however turn out to be somewhat appropriate since that day, August 16th is the anniversary of Elvis's death, not his birthday, which is Jan. 8th, 1935. Being used to stumbleing over cultural references before, like the time in June when she kicked off her presidental campaign in Waterloo, Iowa, calling it the home of actor John Wayne, when in fact is the home of John Wayne Gacy , the serial killer. She just brushed that off saying that they both had killer careers.
    On another news note Kraft and Sara Lee went to court over hot dogs, stated " let the wiener wars begin. There's never been anything of this the entire history of hot dogs."  After hearing this Rep. Wiener ..[you remember him]. said he's still in the fight of his life for that claim that Todd Phalin claims that size does matter. He noted the the photo op. with Michele Bachmann attempting to put down a large sausage just proves it!
    Michele is not fased , now that she realizes that Sara Phalin's maiden name is 'Lee' , she will now stand-up for all the wieners in the world, possibly useing it in her next campaign speech when she goes to Chicago, home of both companies.

    Myself , I don't find much deference in using using any particular brand name, what's in a name...make my hot dog a 'Nathan's', please......

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