Friday, August 9, 2013


    I thought I would get this one in before I left for Connecticut. The main reason in going, being my return trip as of last year, & that one being after Seven years, is to visit with friends that I don't get to see, also remembering friends that I'll no longer be seeing.
   This piece is about the 'lighter' side of life. As some of you know , I do like a good gag & laugh, at other peoples expense, that  I know it as Satire. I have done some here on the previous pages, which I enjoy & hope that you do too. I get this from a mix of  experiences through out my life. Some are from my own life, others follow the path of all ready Published Satirist. I have been lucky to have a few here in my Paper which I get everyday, & faithfully read front to back. This Paper has three different writers that I enjoy reading in that form.

   When I lived in Connecticut, I recieved a similar Paper. It had long writings of a man with wit & humor that most people would understand, & not get offended, mostly because of his longevity & levity that was know to be Down to Earth. His name is Art Buchwald, & I  happened to find an article of his in my huge collection of papers that I saved through out my years. I would like to share that with you now, since it still applies, and refers to pessimism & optimist...which I hold dear as being one who holds the glass that is Half Full.

      The title is: 1995, a real Bummer....

      There is a pessimism in the air that I have felt in this country before. Everybody is down, even when they have every reason to be up. If you are an optimist, the pessimist  get really mad at you.
      I discovered how serious things were when I attended a New Year's party at Eloise Agger's house.
      Paul Youngblood said, "Nineteen ninety-five is the worst year of my life."
      "How can you say that?" I asked, it's hardly begun. What bother's you the most about it?"
      "Newt Gingrich- and the fact that I have to get my teeth cleaned. I hate to get my teeth cleaned, especially during a Republican Congress."
      Bob Parrish, a wealthy investor, agreed that 1995 was a bummer. "By the time the Republicans get finished with their 'Contract With America,' there won't be anything left for the rich."
      " The rich are always the first to get it the neck from the Republicans,"  Eloise said.
       Charlotte Woolard declared: "I know I'll get a cold in 1995. I never catch one in the even years. I wish it was already over."
      Carole Leggett added: "I just know that I'll buy  1995 car & it will turn out to be a lemon."
      I tried to cheer people up: "So far I think that 1995 has been a pretty good year, considering that it's in it's first day. Eloise has provided us with eggnog and good cheer, and I predict that there are going to be many pleasant surprises coming our way."
      Diana Walker scoffed: "I hate people that think that everything is a bed of roses. They don't face reality. If it wasn't for our pessimism we would never accomplish anything."
     I continued my attempt to see the glass half full.
    "Maybe the baseball strike will be over in 1995. That's something to look forward to."
     "And," quipped Randy Marks, "maybe the Serbians will start making apple pies for the Bosnians.
     There just didn't seem to shake my friends out of their gloom.I pointed out how they had complained about 1994 and how it turned out to be one of the best years the country had-Not counting what happened to people's money in Orange County, California.
    Nancy Gordon was not to be persuaded. She said: "My astrologer predicted that I would have seven years bad luck if I went through the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour- and I don't even live in New Jersey!"

   So there you have it, what comes around goes around, if you think this year wasn't so good, maybe next year will be better, but what ever happens, keep smilin' & don't let the Republicans get you down....hold that Glass high....

                         ..SEE YOU ALL NEXT TIME IN  CONNECTICUT...


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this piece Nate. Not much of an optimist myself. Although my favorite quip says: The optimist says the glass is half full, the pessimist says it is half empty...AND THE OPPORTUNIST SAYS "THANKS FOR THE GLASS OF WATER". Oh makes ME smile. Have a good day!
