As I have promised, some more of my Aunties' Musings that she put to paper not so long ago, but has brought back things that happened, so long ago in her life time, that I'm happy she did, and also happy that now I can offer them to you. I think you'll like this one, as I have hoped that you liked them all.....
This goes back to 1930 when: according to Auntie....
..... One evening after a church meeting, a few of us gathered around to chat, when the subject of Above All was brought up, and Woody Rahm, who knows Warren pretty well, was teasing me about being born here. He went on to say that Marge Regner and I were two of the oldest natives still in Warren, and that we were here when the Indians were. But his jest did bring back memories, and little did he know that we were here before them...
One evening as I sat doing my Homework, under a 30 watt electric bulb, some men came top the door, and my father then ushered in fifteen men who said they were from an Indian Tribe in Canada, with questions to ask him. They said there were three tribal chiefs among them; they had left three big touring cars parked down next to the barn. They were all in business suits except for one very old, thin, bronze-looking man straggly white hair and with deep wrinkles in his face, who was wearing a leather outfit.
They had heard that my father, who at the time was in charge of seven state parks, knew a great deal about the people and the land around Lake Waramaug. they must have talked for over an hour. The old fellow seemed to concentrating on something in his hands which we could not see. Then he looked at me and said something, as I could not understand what he said, my father told me to go to him. I was a little skeptical, but knew my father would protect me. The old Indian Chief showed me an emerald bracelet he had been working on, and took my hand to put it on my wrist. It was so beautiful and I really wanted it, but unfortunately, my wrist was too large. I wanted to keep it anyway, but he put it in his pocket or pouch and pulled another out, which was no where near as pretty. It was two copper wires twisted together with pretty stones in it here and there,pink, amber, lavender, orange, each set apart. I accepted it and thanked him very much for his kindness.
My father told me later that the old chief wanted to take me back to his tribe, as he thought I would make some Indian a nice chubby squaw. [ I never new if it was true , or if my father was joshing me ].
They thought that my father might know of some land that was left by the tribe at Lake Waramaug. The way my father could help them was to finally say that they might find some information in the Litchfield town records. They left [peacefully] to their automobiles. It really gave us something to think about.
I still have the bracelet somewhere in my memories......
..........Just to make it clear, that that story was from my Aunts memories, about her , her Grandfather, and the land of Above All in Warren that was at the time thought to be the highest elevation in Connecticut, hence the name, was owned by my family, where my cousin Calvin lives as the last one on the land.
This also gives me credence to my blood with Chief Warmaug, and also gives me the identity to help write my story of ...
......... John Henry and Jack Long in the Wild west......
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Finding a Fresh Start to the End of a New Year!
As the last of this past year comes to a close, I thought to wonder what would be a good closing for me to put down here so that everyone would enjoy. I was looking through my 'old' writings, like the one's I posted last, but seemed to come up empty for any thing that might satisfy. I was lucky to have found a post from the 'Hippie Freaks' site on fb a song not at all familiar, but it just so happened to fit the bill. Also on the back side of that site, were some songs from the '50's & '60's that lasted 2 &1/2 hours....just long enough to go through most of the two folders in front of me containing those writings I mentioned earlier. Ah, but alas, there was more than mine to be viewed. Anyone familiar with this blog, will know that I not only write my own, but I share from others, like my 'Auntie' Connie. She was the youngest of the six sisters and second to the youngest of all her siblings. My father being the youngest of them all. Her birthday was the same as mine. She died shortly before her 95th. She is dearly missed!
So now I will be adding a few of the things she wrote about in her lifetime. This is one of many that I just's titled:
My First Ice Cream Cone
One lovely Summer morning my Auntie asked my mother if she
could take me with her to New Preston, as she had to get some things from the store. Evidently, they were glad to get rid of me for a while as I was all of six years old and a real nuisance at times. They put a clean dress on me and I followed Auntie to where her horse and buggy waited. I was thrilled to pieces , as I had so seldom had an opportunity to go anywhere. This was really special. Auntie had no children and she was rather 'straight laced', as they used to say. But to ride in a Buggy behind the beautiful gold colored horse she had, made me very happy.
Now this was Above All and there were two ways toget to the road leading to New Preston. We could either go down the Break Neck road, or the East road which came out on Sackett road. I don't think Auntie cared about going down Break Neck road because she took the longer route, the East road. Of course all of the roads in Warren were dirt at the time, and about every 25 feet there was a 'Josey'. For those who are unfamiliar with the word, I'll try to explain. Because the roads were so steep that every time it rained, it would wash the dirt away and and there would eventually be no road. So these 'Joseys' were made by digging a small trench across the road to catch the water and divert it to the ditch at the side of the road. That is the way we went down from Above All past the Sacketts place, which I looked at with awe, as they were the more 'well-to-do' People in town, then past Jack Andreggs, and around the Hair Pin curve and finally reaching a straight stretch of road past John Chappuis' on down past Gus Chappuis, past Martin Benson's past Bragues and then came in sight of the beautiful Lake Waramaug! The horse clip-clopped along at a nice trot past Bates place. Further down on the right was the Hotel, a very large yellow building, sitting almost on the Lake and a very busy place it was in the summer time. We passed Flirtation Ave., [no stop signs] and down into New Preston where we turned left as there was no other way to go..[the road straight down from New Preston to route 202 was not built at the time..]
We went to see Bill Jessum, the blacksmith, who had his shop in the red building, which is still there. We waited while he tacked a lose shoe on the horse, which had been giving a little trouble. Then we went to Lyman's store on the opposite side of the road for groceries. We got back in the buggy and drove back the way we came, stopping at Burnhams Dry Goods store, where my Aunt purchased something, I never new what.
She said, " would you like an ice cream cone ?" What is that?" I stupidly replied. She then took me to the store on the corner where I met Fannie Heff. Now Fannie was what it looked to me like a typical chef or baker, her hair was coal black and short, like a man's. Her face was round and very rosy, joyful looking.she wore absolutely no make-up, what you saw is what you got.
"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Auntie asked. Now what did she mean 'what kind did I want?'. There was only one kind that I knew, and that was plain home-made ice cream in a freezer that the boys made on Sunday by turning a handle and putting ice and salt in the container. Finally, Fannie said "I have chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, which kind did you want?" WHICH kind did I want - I'd take one of each- but decisions, decisions. Why I never made a decision in my life. Why should I ? I had parents and nine brothers and sisters who had been making decisions for me since I was born! Auntie decided to step in and we ended up with a strawberry ice cream cone. We then gave the horse a drink at the watering trough which I think was near the Pavilion Hall, and headed back to Warren, licking our ice cream cones.
I think I was the happiest and most contented kid in Warren that day, just to get a ride in a carriage drawn by a beautiful horse, which was my idea of extreme pleasure, and to have my first ice cream cone. What more could I ask for.......
.....ahhhhhhh, yes, now I sit back and think about not just the year that pasted us, but those years that seem to escape us from the past, if only life could be so simple, to enjoy the things we have, as Auntie put it, 'What more could I ask for....'
I do have another that I will post at a later date along with my own that I am getting excited to continue here......stay tuned...
So now I will be adding a few of the things she wrote about in her lifetime. This is one of many that I just's titled:
My First Ice Cream Cone
One lovely Summer morning my Auntie asked my mother if she
could take me with her to New Preston, as she had to get some things from the store. Evidently, they were glad to get rid of me for a while as I was all of six years old and a real nuisance at times. They put a clean dress on me and I followed Auntie to where her horse and buggy waited. I was thrilled to pieces , as I had so seldom had an opportunity to go anywhere. This was really special. Auntie had no children and she was rather 'straight laced', as they used to say. But to ride in a Buggy behind the beautiful gold colored horse she had, made me very happy.
Now this was Above All and there were two ways toget to the road leading to New Preston. We could either go down the Break Neck road, or the East road which came out on Sackett road. I don't think Auntie cared about going down Break Neck road because she took the longer route, the East road. Of course all of the roads in Warren were dirt at the time, and about every 25 feet there was a 'Josey'. For those who are unfamiliar with the word, I'll try to explain. Because the roads were so steep that every time it rained, it would wash the dirt away and and there would eventually be no road. So these 'Joseys' were made by digging a small trench across the road to catch the water and divert it to the ditch at the side of the road. That is the way we went down from Above All past the Sacketts place, which I looked at with awe, as they were the more 'well-to-do' People in town, then past Jack Andreggs, and around the Hair Pin curve and finally reaching a straight stretch of road past John Chappuis' on down past Gus Chappuis, past Martin Benson's past Bragues and then came in sight of the beautiful Lake Waramaug! The horse clip-clopped along at a nice trot past Bates place. Further down on the right was the Hotel, a very large yellow building, sitting almost on the Lake and a very busy place it was in the summer time. We passed Flirtation Ave., [no stop signs] and down into New Preston where we turned left as there was no other way to go..[the road straight down from New Preston to route 202 was not built at the time..]
We went to see Bill Jessum, the blacksmith, who had his shop in the red building, which is still there. We waited while he tacked a lose shoe on the horse, which had been giving a little trouble. Then we went to Lyman's store on the opposite side of the road for groceries. We got back in the buggy and drove back the way we came, stopping at Burnhams Dry Goods store, where my Aunt purchased something, I never new what.
She said, " would you like an ice cream cone ?" What is that?" I stupidly replied. She then took me to the store on the corner where I met Fannie Heff. Now Fannie was what it looked to me like a typical chef or baker, her hair was coal black and short, like a man's. Her face was round and very rosy, joyful looking.she wore absolutely no make-up, what you saw is what you got.
"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Auntie asked. Now what did she mean 'what kind did I want?'. There was only one kind that I knew, and that was plain home-made ice cream in a freezer that the boys made on Sunday by turning a handle and putting ice and salt in the container. Finally, Fannie said "I have chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, which kind did you want?" WHICH kind did I want - I'd take one of each- but decisions, decisions. Why I never made a decision in my life. Why should I ? I had parents and nine brothers and sisters who had been making decisions for me since I was born! Auntie decided to step in and we ended up with a strawberry ice cream cone. We then gave the horse a drink at the watering trough which I think was near the Pavilion Hall, and headed back to Warren, licking our ice cream cones.
I think I was the happiest and most contented kid in Warren that day, just to get a ride in a carriage drawn by a beautiful horse, which was my idea of extreme pleasure, and to have my first ice cream cone. What more could I ask for.......
.....ahhhhhhh, yes, now I sit back and think about not just the year that pasted us, but those years that seem to escape us from the past, if only life could be so simple, to enjoy the things we have, as Auntie put it, 'What more could I ask for....'
I do have another that I will post at a later date along with my own that I am getting excited to continue here......stay tuned...
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
This is such a strange time of year. It brings people closer together, either through friendship, or just the Damn fact to keep warm! That of course is for my Northern friends that I do miss this time of year, meaning mostly those warm Winter Hugs...and you know who you are...
I've spent many a Winters cutting and bringing in fire wood. As a boy, to help my Dad with four footer to go into the wood Furnace in the cellar. Then later on, with shorter pieces that 'Wood' fit in the various stoves that I've owned over my life time.
Now, living here in Sunny Florida, I have just the thought's to bring me back to those days, thank goodness they're only thoughts, since I 'Wood' not be able to deal with such a chore, and that's just to keep the place warm...not to mention the Snow and ice...where the Hell 'Wood' I put that..?!!
So now I would like to share some of the happier moments of my youth, back in December of the Happiest Christmas of all.....
There was this Cool Cat...
Man, he was like real sad,
He wanted 'ol Whisker's
to visit him real Bad.
Yeah, Man, this Cool Cat
was so Beatnik sad,
He was like floating
in his Beatnik Pad!
It was like the 24th
and Man, you see...
this Cool Cat didn't have...
well, like a Christmas Tree!
Yeah, said the Cool Cat,
it's like a sad day for me...
Man, for a swinging Christmas,
I need like a Swinging Christmas Tree!
I just hope that 'ol Rolley Polley comes,
and brings me some Bongo Drums.
I don't have a Christmas tree though...
but I bet I can get a Mistle Toe!
Every thing was quiet ...
in his little Pad,
but then came something,
it was Wild and Mad...
There he came down,
with a BAM...
and there was my Bongos,
sitting right on his hand!
After all he had done,
Santa went up with snort from his Thumb!
The Cat played his Bongos all around,
he found out, soon, that he had the best in town!
Monday, November 25, 2013
U-turn in Nashville
Listening to all that music, and writing all that 'prose and poetry'.....I came up with this, that I thought at the time would be one of my first songs:
I made a u-turn in Nashville,
'cause I couldn't take it any more.
I made a u-turn in Nashville,
after you walked on out the door.
If I could make my mind up,
I sure would like to know
why I'm headin' this way,
and is it the way that I should go?
My heart says to wait,
don't be so fast to leave,
but once I set mind in place
there is no other place for me.
Then headin' down that fast Highway,
headin' down that Southern road
along that lonesome bi-way,
headin' straight to where I should go.
Near the warm water and blowin' wind,
that sings to you all day!
Then some tales from the past
just seem to come by and say:
'Don't make that u-turn in Nashville,
for once you're there, stay awhile,
take the time you have, it's short
and longing for your smile.'
So don't make that u-turn in Nashville,
since your time may come,
that anything could happen
and soon it will be done!
I made a u-turn in Nashville,
'cause I couldn't take it any more.
I made a u-turn in Nashville,
after you walked on out the door.
If I could make my mind up,
I sure would like to know
why I'm headin' this way,
and is it the way that I should go?
My heart says to wait,
don't be so fast to leave,
but once I set mind in place
there is no other place for me.
Then headin' down that fast Highway,
headin' down that Southern road
along that lonesome bi-way,
headin' straight to where I should go.
Near the warm water and blowin' wind,
that sings to you all day!
Then some tales from the past
just seem to come by and say:
'Don't make that u-turn in Nashville,
for once you're there, stay awhile,
take the time you have, it's short
and longing for your smile.'
So don't make that u-turn in Nashville,
since your time may come,
that anything could happen
and soon it will be done!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Count Down of The Top '40's' Hits of the Year 1961...on WMGM, New York.
In 1960's, like most kids those days, we always had our ears glued to the Radio....of course back then it was only A.M. radio, which wasn't all that bad, considering that was when I heard 'little Stevie Wonder's first song. He was 13 and I was about the same age, our birthdays are close . It happened in the garage, where my father had his office and work-shop. Many things transpired there, but I think this one made the most difference to me at that young age, and looking back now, how music in general affected my life. There was a large up-right Radio next to his desk. I would go there alone, and listen intently to all the sounds coming out of this wonderful gadget. Some were two-way frequencies where I could pick up on other conversations. A multifunctional devise.
On this particular day, as I sat close and fooled with the knobs, I came across the sound of a Harmonica, playing to a different beat. The only other time I listened to a 'Harp',,,was when my father made a valiant effort to entertain us.
I just couldn't believe what I was hearing...the sound of Stevie Wonder coming full blast into my life, my heart and my soul!
Other times I would lay on my bed and listen to the top 40's and Cousin Brucie, ramble of the hits of the day. This time was a little different, because it was for the end of the year 'top 40's'.
Now here they are for any of you that may be old enough to remember most, or at least some of them.
I'm going to start with # 40, since that's the way it was presented and I have it written down that way.....
#40 ..Stand by me
#39..the lion Sleeps Tonight
#38..Baby Blue
#37..I Like It Like That
#36..Rain Drops
#35..Peppermint Twist
#34..Heart & Soul
#33..Gee Wizz
#32..I've Told Every Little Star
#31..Shop Around
#30..Always & Truly
#28..Spanish Harlem
#25..The Boweval
#24..I Don't Know Why I Love You, But I Do..
#23..Will You Love Me Tomorrow
#22..Big Bad John
#21..Please love Me Forever
#20..Barbara Ann
#19..Bristol Stomp
#18..School is Out
#17..Let's Twist Again
#16..My True Story
#15..There's a Moon Out Tonight
#14..Tossing & Turning
#13..Daddy's Home
#12..Pony Time
#11..Take good Care Of My Baby
#9....Pretty Little Angel Eyes
#8....Hundred Pounds of Clay
#6....Please Mister Post Man
#5....Run, Run..Run-away
#4....Run Around Sue
#3....Blue Moon
#2....Traveling Man
and the #1.....Quarter to Three
Well as you can see there are a lot of familiar songs of which, as I was adding them down the list, I was tempted to make a remark on how it brought me back to certain things that happened in that year. I thought better, since it would have taken too long. I then even thought how about an * after the one I reflected on the most. That too would have brought my fingers to yield under great emotion to my Hands, therefore a sudden slump on the Key board.
Well I hope you enjoyed it and that those memories that might have been brought to light, were Joyful and with great positive feelings all over....
On this particular day, as I sat close and fooled with the knobs, I came across the sound of a Harmonica, playing to a different beat. The only other time I listened to a 'Harp',,,was when my father made a valiant effort to entertain us.
I just couldn't believe what I was hearing...the sound of Stevie Wonder coming full blast into my life, my heart and my soul!
Other times I would lay on my bed and listen to the top 40's and Cousin Brucie, ramble of the hits of the day. This time was a little different, because it was for the end of the year 'top 40's'.
Now here they are for any of you that may be old enough to remember most, or at least some of them.
I'm going to start with # 40, since that's the way it was presented and I have it written down that way.....
#40 ..Stand by me
#39..the lion Sleeps Tonight
#38..Baby Blue
#37..I Like It Like That
#36..Rain Drops
#35..Peppermint Twist
#34..Heart & Soul
#33..Gee Wizz
#32..I've Told Every Little Star
#31..Shop Around
#30..Always & Truly
#28..Spanish Harlem
#25..The Boweval
#24..I Don't Know Why I Love You, But I Do..
#23..Will You Love Me Tomorrow
#22..Big Bad John
#21..Please love Me Forever
#20..Barbara Ann
#19..Bristol Stomp
#18..School is Out
#17..Let's Twist Again
#16..My True Story
#15..There's a Moon Out Tonight
#14..Tossing & Turning
#13..Daddy's Home
#12..Pony Time
#11..Take good Care Of My Baby
#9....Pretty Little Angel Eyes
#8....Hundred Pounds of Clay
#6....Please Mister Post Man
#5....Run, Run..Run-away
#4....Run Around Sue
#3....Blue Moon
#2....Traveling Man
and the #1.....Quarter to Three
Well as you can see there are a lot of familiar songs of which, as I was adding them down the list, I was tempted to make a remark on how it brought me back to certain things that happened in that year. I thought better, since it would have taken too long. I then even thought how about an * after the one I reflected on the most. That too would have brought my fingers to yield under great emotion to my Hands, therefore a sudden slump on the Key board.
Well I hope you enjoyed it and that those memories that might have been brought to light, were Joyful and with great positive feelings all over....
Saturday, November 16, 2013
"Henry' & Jack meeting Grover for the first time...continued...
I'd like to dedicate this continued part of the story to a special lady, on her Birthday......
Looking at Grover, standing over the Wrangler he had just put a whooping to , was a sight you don't see that often out here in the lone prairie. He stood well over six foot two, since I was six-two, and had to wrench my neck to look him in the eyes, and with arms as big as my legs, held together by a massive Black frame.
I leaned over to help the wrangler up, and whispered in his ear that he should get out of town as fast as he could. Knowing damn well that if he didn't we'd be the ones running for cover. I could see that as little as that town was, more & more people were gathering to see this unusual sight. It was also small enough, so that all that was there was a Feed & Grain store, a Saloon, and a dry goods, where I could see Henry coming out of with enough supplies to get us to the next County. I didn't give Henry time to come over and hash out the details of what had just happened. I grabbed on to what I thought was a huge Ham-hock, but realized that it was Grovers' large forearm. I motioned for Henry to get the horses and bring them here. At that point, I told Grover to get on his horse and come with us out of town, to at least sort matters out.
Once we were a safe distance from town we slowed our pace and retreated to the camp site that we left that morning. It was a good spot to go over our plans to hook up with another crew of wranglers' that had a large herd of Cattle, or even some horses that needed to be brought down the Pike for some Ranchers that needed fresh stock.
Sitting around the camp fire, Grover began to tell his story, and how he ended up out here.
Apparently he was a rare breed of 'free' slaves from the North. He still was endowed to a wealthy Ship builder out of Massachusetts, by the name of Pierce. Life was good for him there, but soon the the partner of the business got greedy and arranged for his partner, Pierce, to 'disappear'. Which didn't leave Grover in a good light, since it was Pierce who had legal rights to Grover. Not sure how long this arrangement was going to last, Grover too disappeared, and found himself in Pennsylvania taking on odd jobs, to say the least, since being a very large Black man, and that much closer to the South, he had no choice but to take on any work. Even if it meant cleaning up after the livestock for some wealthy nobleman.
He had a place in the back of the barn, which he had to share with the other Negros that that farm kept around for duties to be done at the drop of the hat. Within that little niche of friendly folk that he could trust, there came word of changes to come between the North and the South. Nothing they knew of for the near future, but the feelings ran deep in the minds of the Negros, who had more of a feeling and having that sense about them that only they could feel.
Grover took these feelings to Heart, so much so he felt it better to get as far away as possible, before and if any of this came to be.
All he could do was head West, it was the last Strong-hold for anyone looking to start a new life.......
....Sorry, Birthday girl, but to be Continued.....
....Hope you had a great day, Mo...!!
Looking at Grover, standing over the Wrangler he had just put a whooping to , was a sight you don't see that often out here in the lone prairie. He stood well over six foot two, since I was six-two, and had to wrench my neck to look him in the eyes, and with arms as big as my legs, held together by a massive Black frame.
I leaned over to help the wrangler up, and whispered in his ear that he should get out of town as fast as he could. Knowing damn well that if he didn't we'd be the ones running for cover. I could see that as little as that town was, more & more people were gathering to see this unusual sight. It was also small enough, so that all that was there was a Feed & Grain store, a Saloon, and a dry goods, where I could see Henry coming out of with enough supplies to get us to the next County. I didn't give Henry time to come over and hash out the details of what had just happened. I grabbed on to what I thought was a huge Ham-hock, but realized that it was Grovers' large forearm. I motioned for Henry to get the horses and bring them here. At that point, I told Grover to get on his horse and come with us out of town, to at least sort matters out.
Once we were a safe distance from town we slowed our pace and retreated to the camp site that we left that morning. It was a good spot to go over our plans to hook up with another crew of wranglers' that had a large herd of Cattle, or even some horses that needed to be brought down the Pike for some Ranchers that needed fresh stock.
Sitting around the camp fire, Grover began to tell his story, and how he ended up out here.
Apparently he was a rare breed of 'free' slaves from the North. He still was endowed to a wealthy Ship builder out of Massachusetts, by the name of Pierce. Life was good for him there, but soon the the partner of the business got greedy and arranged for his partner, Pierce, to 'disappear'. Which didn't leave Grover in a good light, since it was Pierce who had legal rights to Grover. Not sure how long this arrangement was going to last, Grover too disappeared, and found himself in Pennsylvania taking on odd jobs, to say the least, since being a very large Black man, and that much closer to the South, he had no choice but to take on any work. Even if it meant cleaning up after the livestock for some wealthy nobleman.
He had a place in the back of the barn, which he had to share with the other Negros that that farm kept around for duties to be done at the drop of the hat. Within that little niche of friendly folk that he could trust, there came word of changes to come between the North and the South. Nothing they knew of for the near future, but the feelings ran deep in the minds of the Negros, who had more of a feeling and having that sense about them that only they could feel.
Grover took these feelings to Heart, so much so he felt it better to get as far away as possible, before and if any of this came to be.
All he could do was head West, it was the last Strong-hold for anyone looking to start a new life.......
....Sorry, Birthday girl, but to be Continued.....
....Hope you had a great day, Mo...!!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Riding Hard with John Henry and Jack Long in the Wild West.
We last left Henry and Jack in the high plains of Montana, resting from their quick exit from Canada, now
ready to break camp and move on......
I could tell that we had over stayed our welcome, when after we finished our coffee. looking to the North, you could see the menacing dark sky with clouds shifting with each gusts of the winds, threatening our chance to get to lower ground, if we didn't get a move on.
Henry had already sensed the on coming storm, and had his bed-roll wrapped, guns slid into his saddle holster, with saddle on his trusty Palomino, 'Butter-cup'. I too picked up the pace & after dosing the fire, grabbing my saddle & gear, threw it over my Stallion, Shamus's back, and proceeded to get the 'Hell out of Dodge'!
We rode hard and as fast as we could, knowing that Mother Nature frowns on any Human that doesn't heed Her warnings! Heading South, but still in the High Country, we made pretty good time, considering this was how we rode down from Canada to get to our camp in the first place!
Getting to the lower plains, we could then ease up a bit, and catch our breath, along with our bearings.
As we made our way slowly along a ridge, in hopes of finding a good place to settle in, that perhaps was next to a stream, both horses needed that much for giving us their 'All' in the past couple weeks. Then there was the other consideration for ourselves to a welcomed bath.
It wasn't much longer, and a little bit further South, that we came across what seemed to be the 'perfect' spot. A grove of trees surrounded a pool of water, made natural in a brook from fallen branches, and curved rocks to make one end deeper then the rest.
Here we were in a setting only Mother Nature herself made especially for us, after getting us on the move not more than the day before. We decided that his might just be a good spot to hold up for a time, so that we could reconnect with our bearings.
Henry, had already gotten Butter-cup settled and was rustling around for some firewood. I had Shamus, tied and wiped down by the time he got back and started to get the fire ready for the night.
Later that night, we sat there around the fire, haven eaten a Jack rabbit for dinner. Henry sat there for a minute in silence, which is the way he usually is....not much get's him to blurt out much sound, or at lease sound that makes any sense. Then all of a sudden he turns and says to me:
'you remember that 'ol Black man that took up with us a few years back, and wanted to go along with that round up we signed up for in Wyoming ?' Man , Henry said, he must have been the blackest man I've ever seen. But sure glad he tied up with us, that there trip needed just what he had behind that belt of his!
Henry was talking about Grover, sure enough a black man in these parts don't come around too often, but there he was, just smilin' down on a wrangler he had just beaten down. He was holding the biggest Bowie knife that I'd ever seen, And lucky for that wrangler, Grover never had the chance to use it.
Grover was from the East, the Northeast. He said he came out this way becuse he had a bad feeling about that part of the Country. So he signed up with the first team of Wagons coming this way. Had a few run-ins, like the rest of us, but you knew deep down that this guy would back you to the end, as long as he knew you'd do the same for him! No problem.... be continued.....
ready to break camp and move on......
I could tell that we had over stayed our welcome, when after we finished our coffee. looking to the North, you could see the menacing dark sky with clouds shifting with each gusts of the winds, threatening our chance to get to lower ground, if we didn't get a move on.
Henry had already sensed the on coming storm, and had his bed-roll wrapped, guns slid into his saddle holster, with saddle on his trusty Palomino, 'Butter-cup'. I too picked up the pace & after dosing the fire, grabbing my saddle & gear, threw it over my Stallion, Shamus's back, and proceeded to get the 'Hell out of Dodge'!
We rode hard and as fast as we could, knowing that Mother Nature frowns on any Human that doesn't heed Her warnings! Heading South, but still in the High Country, we made pretty good time, considering this was how we rode down from Canada to get to our camp in the first place!
Getting to the lower plains, we could then ease up a bit, and catch our breath, along with our bearings.
As we made our way slowly along a ridge, in hopes of finding a good place to settle in, that perhaps was next to a stream, both horses needed that much for giving us their 'All' in the past couple weeks. Then there was the other consideration for ourselves to a welcomed bath.
It wasn't much longer, and a little bit further South, that we came across what seemed to be the 'perfect' spot. A grove of trees surrounded a pool of water, made natural in a brook from fallen branches, and curved rocks to make one end deeper then the rest.
Here we were in a setting only Mother Nature herself made especially for us, after getting us on the move not more than the day before. We decided that his might just be a good spot to hold up for a time, so that we could reconnect with our bearings.
Henry, had already gotten Butter-cup settled and was rustling around for some firewood. I had Shamus, tied and wiped down by the time he got back and started to get the fire ready for the night.
Later that night, we sat there around the fire, haven eaten a Jack rabbit for dinner. Henry sat there for a minute in silence, which is the way he usually is....not much get's him to blurt out much sound, or at lease sound that makes any sense. Then all of a sudden he turns and says to me:
'you remember that 'ol Black man that took up with us a few years back, and wanted to go along with that round up we signed up for in Wyoming ?' Man , Henry said, he must have been the blackest man I've ever seen. But sure glad he tied up with us, that there trip needed just what he had behind that belt of his!
Henry was talking about Grover, sure enough a black man in these parts don't come around too often, but there he was, just smilin' down on a wrangler he had just beaten down. He was holding the biggest Bowie knife that I'd ever seen, And lucky for that wrangler, Grover never had the chance to use it.
Grover was from the East, the Northeast. He said he came out this way becuse he had a bad feeling about that part of the Country. So he signed up with the first team of Wagons coming this way. Had a few run-ins, like the rest of us, but you knew deep down that this guy would back you to the end, as long as he knew you'd do the same for him! No problem.... be continued.....
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Witches Brew
Here's a little Halloween story that's as scary as most. It's not so much that the story is all that Scary, it's the fact that I wrote this for a school assignment when I was in seventh or eighth grade and received a 'B' for it.
............It's called.........The Witches Brew...............
Witches Brew is about a Witch that lives in an old Creaky house with Spook friends. Their names are, Gobby the Goblin, Lucifer the cat, Stinky the Ghost, Marbles the Skeleton, and Babalooey the Bat.
Once in a Professors' School, there was Professor Blucas. He wanted an old house to study in. So I told him that there was one on West Road.
" Could you take me there ?"
" Yes, I could", I told him.
The next night the Professor came and brought, Clubber, the Policeman with his dog Skullamug, and with them came Maynard. We were all set to go!
As they were all heading for the house, when the house came into view, a Bat flew out and back in.
This is very Mysterious, they thought, but kept on going. Then they saw a light!
In the window of the house, they saw a was the Witch...with a pot in front of her stirring something.
Maynard said , " That must be the Witches Brew"!
They went closer, and heard noises and saw a Goblin, Skeleton, black Cat, and faintly made out what they thought was a Ghost!
Yes! It was, and with that, I said I'm getting out of here!
No! We're going to stay and study what we see, the Professor exclaimed.
The Bat came again, and then a Pumpkin Head rolled and hit Scullamug. He yelped and barked, then ran down the hill.
They all looked at the Pumpkin Head, and then the Professor asked if he was one of the Witches' friends. Yes and No he answered. What's that suppose to mean, asked the Professor.
Well I used to be, but they didn't want me around any more. My name is Punky.
The Professor introduced himself and all of us, then shortly after Punky told us that the Witch is hastily making up some Brew to make a person into a 'Spook' !
We all waited and waited...then total silence....
Then came a loud Boom! The old house blew up! They saw all the Spooks being blown into the Sky and last of all with a loud, shrill, scream....the Witch...!!
I do have to admit that I took some liberties in the a few areas of content. Which I don't suppose it helped all that much. But hey, what do you want for a Fifty Five Year old, or so document that has been buried all the years and then re-appearing on Halloween......
............It's called.........The Witches Brew...............
Witches Brew is about a Witch that lives in an old Creaky house with Spook friends. Their names are, Gobby the Goblin, Lucifer the cat, Stinky the Ghost, Marbles the Skeleton, and Babalooey the Bat.
Once in a Professors' School, there was Professor Blucas. He wanted an old house to study in. So I told him that there was one on West Road.
" Could you take me there ?"
" Yes, I could", I told him.
The next night the Professor came and brought, Clubber, the Policeman with his dog Skullamug, and with them came Maynard. We were all set to go!
As they were all heading for the house, when the house came into view, a Bat flew out and back in.
This is very Mysterious, they thought, but kept on going. Then they saw a light!
In the window of the house, they saw a was the Witch...with a pot in front of her stirring something.
Maynard said , " That must be the Witches Brew"!
They went closer, and heard noises and saw a Goblin, Skeleton, black Cat, and faintly made out what they thought was a Ghost!
Yes! It was, and with that, I said I'm getting out of here!
No! We're going to stay and study what we see, the Professor exclaimed.
The Bat came again, and then a Pumpkin Head rolled and hit Scullamug. He yelped and barked, then ran down the hill.
They all looked at the Pumpkin Head, and then the Professor asked if he was one of the Witches' friends. Yes and No he answered. What's that suppose to mean, asked the Professor.
Well I used to be, but they didn't want me around any more. My name is Punky.
The Professor introduced himself and all of us, then shortly after Punky told us that the Witch is hastily making up some Brew to make a person into a 'Spook' !
We all waited and waited...then total silence....
Then came a loud Boom! The old house blew up! They saw all the Spooks being blown into the Sky and last of all with a loud, shrill, scream....the Witch...!!
I do have to admit that I took some liberties in the a few areas of content. Which I don't suppose it helped all that much. But hey, what do you want for a Fifty Five Year old, or so document that has been buried all the years and then re-appearing on Halloween......
Monday, October 28, 2013
...bacdk to the Future, continued....
This is from the papers that I found in that 'Mystery Green Box' that I brought home from Connecticut on my last visit, which held a few 'old' papers that I had written from the early days of my life. They range anywhere from Grade School to the late '70's.....
This one in particular is one of many Prose that I wrote in what may be the early '70's when my hopelessly romantic side of me, from being a true Taurus, comes out.
It all began so quiet...
almost as if time had slowed
just to watch over this subdued
romance which blossomed as slow
and timeless as it had began.
Time drifts by, new love will linger
to enjoy and look back upon,
to move us ever so swiftly
into a 'just' understanding.
Not to say 'I will understand' completely
the reasons of such a short and
pronounced existence with love,
although I have come to an agreement
with my inner feelings:
She touched me ever so lightly with her eyes,
ever so gently with her hands, with both,
she reached out to hold me, never to hurt
or mistrust, just to promise,
a fleeting promise, to love.
That love is being held so close to my Heart,
that only the swift sword of Death
would cut it loose.............
This one in particular is one of many Prose that I wrote in what may be the early '70's when my hopelessly romantic side of me, from being a true Taurus, comes out.
It all began so quiet...
almost as if time had slowed
just to watch over this subdued
romance which blossomed as slow
and timeless as it had began.
Time drifts by, new love will linger
to enjoy and look back upon,
to move us ever so swiftly
into a 'just' understanding.
Not to say 'I will understand' completely
the reasons of such a short and
pronounced existence with love,
although I have come to an agreement
with my inner feelings:
She touched me ever so lightly with her eyes,
ever so gently with her hands, with both,
she reached out to hold me, never to hurt
or mistrust, just to promise,
a fleeting promise, to love.
That love is being held so close to my Heart,
that only the swift sword of Death
would cut it loose.............
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
...Dogs are people too...
I found this article in my paper the other day, and being an animal lover....a Dog lover...I thought I should share this with all you 'Lovers' out there.
Most of you have known all my Dogs, starting with Erin, an Irish Setter...who is probably one you don't know, but are all familiar with her first born...Tokas, I called him the 'Black Irishman'. Erin died shortly after she gave birth, but will always be remembered. My then wife & I named our first daughter, Tiffany Erin, as some what of a tribute.
Tokas was the best, we didn't even need to house-break him. He was with me for eleven wonderful years. We went everywhere together, as I found that was the norm for the rest of my Dogs to follow.
I then added Charlie, a beautiful Irish Setter Bitch. She and Tokas were quite the pair. Unfortunately she was hit in a 'freak' accident, and died from internal damages.
Once Tokas had left me it took me awhile to have another 'friend' enter my life. But then came Buddy, who I took in from a friend that could not keep him with the move he was about to make.
Buddy, again was another one that could not be compared to. He got away once, not of his own accord, but kidnapped when someone stole my car in front of the Pub, not knowing about the stow-away in the back seat. What a home coming when he finally got back to my a long about fashion.
While Buddy was still very much of my life, I took in a Yellow Lab puppy that some one had placed a card on the wall of the Laundry Mat where I frequented. The lady there pointed it out, but not sure at the time if I wanted two dogs. But I gave in, and thought that it wouldn't hurt to call, some-what feeling that it would be gone anyway. I left a message that one Sunday after wash. A week later, the lady there asked me about the Dog. I told her I just got the machine, and hadn't heard back. Just knowing, a dog like that would be snapped up.
When I returned home, I had a message from the owner of that Lab. I called back & she explained that she had to return to California to finish her move. Part of that move was that she couldn't have a dog. I told her that I was surprised she hadn't gotten some one else to take him. She then explained that she had other calls, but waited for me to get in touch, since she heard about me and my relationship with such animals.
I had her bring him by to get a close look. She came a presented me with one of the most beautiful and 'spirited' dog I ever new. He was nine months old, but could tell he'd pass the test when I asked her to bring him back was a diffineate maybe.
She gave me his papers,since he was registered, but 'fixed'. Also a picture of his father. The papers showed his full name as: Sir Otis Dreams'. From then on it was 'Oat' and me with Buddy showing him the Ropes before it was time to say good-bye to anther good Buddy.
Well that's about it. Otis being the last of many wonderful
Dogs that I call my best friends, since I felt that they were people too, and should be treated as such.....
....... Now back to the article....this is but a summary, shortened since I took the liberty of summing up my Dog-friends, to length...
The author said that they had trained his Dog to go into an MRI scanner...completely awake and unrestrained. They wanted to determine how Dogs' brains worked and, even more important, what they think of us humans.
Now, after training and scanning a dozen Dog, they came to one inescapable conclusion : that Dogs are people too.
The ability to experience positive emotions, like love and attachment, would mean that Dogs have a level of sentience comparable to that of a human child. Dogs, and probably many other animals [especially our closest primate relatives], seem to have emotions just like us.
That being a very condensed version, but hoping to get mine and many others opinions across about this love for our animals....
Most of you have known all my Dogs, starting with Erin, an Irish Setter...who is probably one you don't know, but are all familiar with her first born...Tokas, I called him the 'Black Irishman'. Erin died shortly after she gave birth, but will always be remembered. My then wife & I named our first daughter, Tiffany Erin, as some what of a tribute.
Tokas was the best, we didn't even need to house-break him. He was with me for eleven wonderful years. We went everywhere together, as I found that was the norm for the rest of my Dogs to follow.
I then added Charlie, a beautiful Irish Setter Bitch. She and Tokas were quite the pair. Unfortunately she was hit in a 'freak' accident, and died from internal damages.
Once Tokas had left me it took me awhile to have another 'friend' enter my life. But then came Buddy, who I took in from a friend that could not keep him with the move he was about to make.
Buddy, again was another one that could not be compared to. He got away once, not of his own accord, but kidnapped when someone stole my car in front of the Pub, not knowing about the stow-away in the back seat. What a home coming when he finally got back to my a long about fashion.
While Buddy was still very much of my life, I took in a Yellow Lab puppy that some one had placed a card on the wall of the Laundry Mat where I frequented. The lady there pointed it out, but not sure at the time if I wanted two dogs. But I gave in, and thought that it wouldn't hurt to call, some-what feeling that it would be gone anyway. I left a message that one Sunday after wash. A week later, the lady there asked me about the Dog. I told her I just got the machine, and hadn't heard back. Just knowing, a dog like that would be snapped up.
When I returned home, I had a message from the owner of that Lab. I called back & she explained that she had to return to California to finish her move. Part of that move was that she couldn't have a dog. I told her that I was surprised she hadn't gotten some one else to take him. She then explained that she had other calls, but waited for me to get in touch, since she heard about me and my relationship with such animals.
I had her bring him by to get a close look. She came a presented me with one of the most beautiful and 'spirited' dog I ever new. He was nine months old, but could tell he'd pass the test when I asked her to bring him back was a diffineate maybe.
She gave me his papers,since he was registered, but 'fixed'. Also a picture of his father. The papers showed his full name as: Sir Otis Dreams'. From then on it was 'Oat' and me with Buddy showing him the Ropes before it was time to say good-bye to anther good Buddy.
Well that's about it. Otis being the last of many wonderful
Dogs that I call my best friends, since I felt that they were people too, and should be treated as such.....
....... Now back to the article....this is but a summary, shortened since I took the liberty of summing up my Dog-friends, to length...
The author said that they had trained his Dog to go into an MRI scanner...completely awake and unrestrained. They wanted to determine how Dogs' brains worked and, even more important, what they think of us humans.
Now, after training and scanning a dozen Dog, they came to one inescapable conclusion : that Dogs are people too.
The ability to experience positive emotions, like love and attachment, would mean that Dogs have a level of sentience comparable to that of a human child. Dogs, and probably many other animals [especially our closest primate relatives], seem to have emotions just like us.
That being a very condensed version, but hoping to get mine and many others opinions across about this love for our animals....
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Looking back to the Future
These days that are upon us now will be a defining moment for us all. It seems hard to understand what is going on some time, when all along it seemed 'Black & White'. But now the future is blurred with no definition of what will come. I for one, would like to think that it'll be o.k. since the time I have spent here, is much longer than the time I'm about to endure for remaining bit of space that I will encounter in the future.
I will continue with some writings of my past that at the time were called a 'Journal' that was hand written at the time, and now to the modern form which I use now, the 'Blog'.
It was an early Spring day, or maybe a late Summer one. Either way, there I was, sitting at one of the 'High-tops' by the window at the Pub, writing on a yellow 'legal' note pad. I just glanced up when a dear friend, that had just come in, walked away from the bar, and headed over to talk.She asked me what I was doing. Well it seemed simple enough to me, and I believed she did too. But for some reason she need some kind of explanation, since normally she saw me at the Pub holding a beer, and not a pen.
I told her that I was just writing some things down that had occurred that day and in the past few days.
" Oh", she said and asked me why. 'Well, I just like the idea of maybe someday it would be good to look back to see what went on in my life at that time, since who knows what kind of memory you would have if you did want to 'remember' those days'.
She nodded politely, and went on her way. I stayed a bit longer, finished my beer, put my papers away for the day and proceeded to have another beer at the bar. At that time, it became obvious to me, and now Marcy, why I was recording memories down on paper.
The following is part of those 'paper' Dayz.......'s dated October 13th, 1975.......
I have just returned from an exhausting weekend with the kids, who now live with their Mother. To add to my depression with the rain still falling, Charlie, my wonderful Irish Setter, had died Friday night, after being hit by a bike that some kids rode by the house on, and Charlie, not liking Bikes or Horses, ran out barking, and got there when the following kids didn't have time to stop, and hit her square in the chest which created internal bleeding, and irreputable damage. She will be missed.
I would like to bury her tomorrow. Tokas seems lonely, as he should be..they were some pair. A Black Irishman, and the beautiful 'Red Head'! The love she had for me I will never forget!
I lack understanding from such a death. Many people and things around me help, but I'm afraid death is to fearful to satisfy my deep thought of why such a thing has happened again.
I do hope my understanding will be broadened shortly, fore I do not wish it to happen again, without the knowledge of knowing why!
This particular writing was done the same year as when I got a divorce, and my father died. As some of you may recall at the beginning of that summer, I threw a party in memory of my father, who died on April 24, 1974. On May 24th, 1975, we all gathered at the 'Woods' to celebrate, 'Alive in '75'. Just a small group of a thousand friends.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Writings from the Past....
I would now like to add some writing's from the past that I found in that mystery 'Green Box' that I was able to retrieve the last time I was in Connecticut. It remained elusive for a year or so, until, with a little persistence, it was located in a spot where no one would have thought.
Opening it, I found some treasures that I did not expect. There in side was an abundance of old works of stories, art work. & lessons from when I was in Grade School, up until I had graduated from High School.
I am starting with some Prose that was written in 1979. I will get to the others in time, but for now I'd like to start with these....
AH, YESTERDAY............
Another one that I will include :
Just to end this section with this:
Opening it, I found some treasures that I did not expect. There in side was an abundance of old works of stories, art work. & lessons from when I was in Grade School, up until I had graduated from High School.
I am starting with some Prose that was written in 1979. I will get to the others in time, but for now I'd like to start with these....
AH, YESTERDAY............
Another one that I will include :
Just to end this section with this:
Sunday, September 1, 2013
,,,,,PARTY TIME...
So many years have past by, so quickly, so decisively, that it doesn't seem possible that those that are here and those that have left us, can be put in the same sentence. There are just too many to mention, but you know their names. We all have our Ideals, Joys, Hopes, and Dreams to concur. When was it that we all got together, and reflected on the past, just to say...I'm gonna do that, or see them fulfilled. Now having so many memories of the past, the distant future is suddenly here and now. I can only hope that what we have seen in our lives is some of the best things to behold, in the short time we had to enjoy it. We have grown up in such a fast moving and fast growing Society, that it would only be wise for us to keep those memories alive.
With the best of intentions, and deep convicted love, for all beings....I do wish that we can come together each year, permitted that no obstacles come in our way, and celebrate among all that are here and all that will be with us in heart, mind and soul.
I have to say that being 'Home' this August, was such a wonderful feeling to see how beautiful that area is, when once taken it for granted, and how much it really means to me. Also how much it has given back, in the sense that no matter where you go, friends, family, and the love of nature, is still there to welcome you Home.
I do believe the 'Reunion-Memorial-Tribute Party proved that. What a great time to see so many good friends. I do hope all that were there feel the same way and that we can continue this Tradition. I have already talked with Lewis, and of course it's fine with him, also with others closely involved.
Next year, I am still pushing for some 'Live' Music, but if that doesn't occur, I will want to make it a point for the following year when the 40th anniversary of 'Alive in '75 will be the agenda. I have doubts about getting the 'Woods' for it, but will none the less inquire about it. Also the Bantam Community field is an option. Jumping ahead like this may be premature, and that said, knowing that Lewis and Roy Cheney will have it covered just fine where it was.
I want to send out all my best to those who came and to all those who I know wanted to be there. to all....
With the best of intentions, and deep convicted love, for all beings....I do wish that we can come together each year, permitted that no obstacles come in our way, and celebrate among all that are here and all that will be with us in heart, mind and soul.
I have to say that being 'Home' this August, was such a wonderful feeling to see how beautiful that area is, when once taken it for granted, and how much it really means to me. Also how much it has given back, in the sense that no matter where you go, friends, family, and the love of nature, is still there to welcome you Home.
I do believe the 'Reunion-Memorial-Tribute Party proved that. What a great time to see so many good friends. I do hope all that were there feel the same way and that we can continue this Tradition. I have already talked with Lewis, and of course it's fine with him, also with others closely involved.
Next year, I am still pushing for some 'Live' Music, but if that doesn't occur, I will want to make it a point for the following year when the 40th anniversary of 'Alive in '75 will be the agenda. I have doubts about getting the 'Woods' for it, but will none the less inquire about it. Also the Bantam Community field is an option. Jumping ahead like this may be premature, and that said, knowing that Lewis and Roy Cheney will have it covered just fine where it was.
I want to send out all my best to those who came and to all those who I know wanted to be there. to all....
Friday, August 9, 2013
I thought I would get this one in before I left for Connecticut. The main reason in going, being my return trip as of last year, & that one being after Seven years, is to visit with friends that I don't get to see, also remembering friends that I'll no longer be seeing.
This piece is about the 'lighter' side of life. As some of you know , I do like a good gag & laugh, at other peoples expense, that I know it as Satire. I have done some here on the previous pages, which I enjoy & hope that you do too. I get this from a mix of experiences through out my life. Some are from my own life, others follow the path of all ready Published Satirist. I have been lucky to have a few here in my Paper which I get everyday, & faithfully read front to back. This Paper has three different writers that I enjoy reading in that form.
When I lived in Connecticut, I recieved a similar Paper. It had long writings of a man with wit & humor that most people would understand, & not get offended, mostly because of his longevity & levity that was know to be Down to Earth. His name is Art Buchwald, & I happened to find an article of his in my huge collection of papers that I saved through out my years. I would like to share that with you now, since it still applies, and refers to pessimism & optimist...which I hold dear as being one who holds the glass that is Half Full.
The title is: 1995, a real Bummer....
There is a pessimism in the air that I have felt in this country before. Everybody is down, even when they have every reason to be up. If you are an optimist, the pessimist get really mad at you.
I discovered how serious things were when I attended a New Year's party at Eloise Agger's house.
Paul Youngblood said, "Nineteen ninety-five is the worst year of my life."
"How can you say that?" I asked, it's hardly begun. What bother's you the most about it?"
"Newt Gingrich- and the fact that I have to get my teeth cleaned. I hate to get my teeth cleaned, especially during a Republican Congress."
Bob Parrish, a wealthy investor, agreed that 1995 was a bummer. "By the time the Republicans get finished with their 'Contract With America,' there won't be anything left for the rich."
" The rich are always the first to get it the neck from the Republicans," Eloise said.
Charlotte Woolard declared: "I know I'll get a cold in 1995. I never catch one in the even years. I wish it was already over."
Carole Leggett added: "I just know that I'll buy 1995 car & it will turn out to be a lemon."
I tried to cheer people up: "So far I think that 1995 has been a pretty good year, considering that it's in it's first day. Eloise has provided us with eggnog and good cheer, and I predict that there are going to be many pleasant surprises coming our way."
Diana Walker scoffed: "I hate people that think that everything is a bed of roses. They don't face reality. If it wasn't for our pessimism we would never accomplish anything."
I continued my attempt to see the glass half full.
"Maybe the baseball strike will be over in 1995. That's something to look forward to."
"And," quipped Randy Marks, "maybe the Serbians will start making apple pies for the Bosnians.
There just didn't seem to shake my friends out of their gloom.I pointed out how they had complained about 1994 and how it turned out to be one of the best years the country had-Not counting what happened to people's money in Orange County, California.
Nancy Gordon was not to be persuaded. She said: "My astrologer predicted that I would have seven years bad luck if I went through the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour- and I don't even live in New Jersey!"
So there you have it, what comes around goes around, if you think this year wasn't so good, maybe next year will be better, but what ever happens, keep smilin' & don't let the Republicans get you down....hold that Glass high....
This piece is about the 'lighter' side of life. As some of you know , I do like a good gag & laugh, at other peoples expense, that I know it as Satire. I have done some here on the previous pages, which I enjoy & hope that you do too. I get this from a mix of experiences through out my life. Some are from my own life, others follow the path of all ready Published Satirist. I have been lucky to have a few here in my Paper which I get everyday, & faithfully read front to back. This Paper has three different writers that I enjoy reading in that form.
When I lived in Connecticut, I recieved a similar Paper. It had long writings of a man with wit & humor that most people would understand, & not get offended, mostly because of his longevity & levity that was know to be Down to Earth. His name is Art Buchwald, & I happened to find an article of his in my huge collection of papers that I saved through out my years. I would like to share that with you now, since it still applies, and refers to pessimism & optimist...which I hold dear as being one who holds the glass that is Half Full.
The title is: 1995, a real Bummer....
There is a pessimism in the air that I have felt in this country before. Everybody is down, even when they have every reason to be up. If you are an optimist, the pessimist get really mad at you.
I discovered how serious things were when I attended a New Year's party at Eloise Agger's house.
Paul Youngblood said, "Nineteen ninety-five is the worst year of my life."
"How can you say that?" I asked, it's hardly begun. What bother's you the most about it?"
"Newt Gingrich- and the fact that I have to get my teeth cleaned. I hate to get my teeth cleaned, especially during a Republican Congress."
Bob Parrish, a wealthy investor, agreed that 1995 was a bummer. "By the time the Republicans get finished with their 'Contract With America,' there won't be anything left for the rich."
" The rich are always the first to get it the neck from the Republicans," Eloise said.
Charlotte Woolard declared: "I know I'll get a cold in 1995. I never catch one in the even years. I wish it was already over."
Carole Leggett added: "I just know that I'll buy 1995 car & it will turn out to be a lemon."
I tried to cheer people up: "So far I think that 1995 has been a pretty good year, considering that it's in it's first day. Eloise has provided us with eggnog and good cheer, and I predict that there are going to be many pleasant surprises coming our way."
Diana Walker scoffed: "I hate people that think that everything is a bed of roses. They don't face reality. If it wasn't for our pessimism we would never accomplish anything."
I continued my attempt to see the glass half full.
"Maybe the baseball strike will be over in 1995. That's something to look forward to."
"And," quipped Randy Marks, "maybe the Serbians will start making apple pies for the Bosnians.
There just didn't seem to shake my friends out of their gloom.I pointed out how they had complained about 1994 and how it turned out to be one of the best years the country had-Not counting what happened to people's money in Orange County, California.
Nancy Gordon was not to be persuaded. She said: "My astrologer predicted that I would have seven years bad luck if I went through the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour- and I don't even live in New Jersey!"
So there you have it, what comes around goes around, if you think this year wasn't so good, maybe next year will be better, but what ever happens, keep smilin' & don't let the Republicans get you down....hold that Glass high....
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
A time for rememberence ...
It's been some time now since I had time to reflex on the Past. I now think of all those years now that have paved the way to this point in my life where it get's harder and harder to not think about all that has pasted by, and all the friends that went with it.
When just starting out as a Bartender, all I could see was was a mist of new friends and the wealth of having a good time, in a job where, not only the good times seemed forever, but you got paid for it. That almost seems secondary. All I new was we, meaning all the friends at the time, that most of which I had just met, but there are many still out there sharing in this close friendship.
Nothing could stop us. We took to the beaches when we should have been opening the Bar for lunch. We then closed the Bar, and tried to get to the next one before it closed! Time had nothing to do with it, since we ran the clock, being our own Bosses. No one ever thought that the clock had started to pick up pace. First in Minutes, then Hours, then Days.......
We never thought that time would run out on us, we controlled everything that might have been put in front of us. Before you knew it one would leave us, just by being too tired from helping out at a new Place, that all would have the chance to enjoy.
Another, had his place, but could not beat the odds of what was dealt him in the early times. I had the chance to go all night with these two, & end up having breakfast at Mcdonalds in New Milford, rolling around on the ground while the 'normal' people watched in disbelief. Why was that..? was it because it was still Breakfast in their world..? It didn't matter, our world was for the here and now, to live as we wanted.
There was a time when I actually worked two jobs a day. One being the Bartender to the Masses at night. The other, I started doing move re-modeling jobs. I would do anything it took, to have not just the money, but that freedom to do what I thought at the time, was the right to Party. In both aspects, I had the chance to work with a friend that helped me when it got time to paint, he taught me how to handle a Sprayer, for the big out side jobs. He was also was with me when, it was time for check- in at the Door. He was the first to get there & as it turned out, it helped when the Bar was to open around 8:00 p.m. One night he WAS on time and I was there also, except for the fact that I was passed out on the Stage from the last night. No problem, after hearing him bang on the door for probable ten or fifteen minutes, I got up and proceeded to get the bar set up in record time, without my usual help.
At the time all bars had music, in one form or another. In that last place I mentioned, that's all we had. A very diverse group of fine musicians, mostly top of the line local groups, and then some popular National headliners. Our biggest and finest group was actually a local band played there, and our other place up the road.
They were the top of everyone's list. We all came out to see and listen to this fine group of dedicated Musicians.
Now that time has taken it's toll, the one stand out in the group who kept the spirit alive, with his energy and thoughtfulness, to continue, with no thought of his own greatness, but just there so that everyone enjoying it would shine. He now Shines bright in all our Hearts....
There are others who are gone that desires mentioning, but for now I will pass that on to a party that was started three years ago, for a reunion for all that are here to remember, but now one of a memorial and tribute to those that have left us, so we may rejoice in the fact of knowing them, and making our lives that much fuller...
When just starting out as a Bartender, all I could see was was a mist of new friends and the wealth of having a good time, in a job where, not only the good times seemed forever, but you got paid for it. That almost seems secondary. All I new was we, meaning all the friends at the time, that most of which I had just met, but there are many still out there sharing in this close friendship.
Nothing could stop us. We took to the beaches when we should have been opening the Bar for lunch. We then closed the Bar, and tried to get to the next one before it closed! Time had nothing to do with it, since we ran the clock, being our own Bosses. No one ever thought that the clock had started to pick up pace. First in Minutes, then Hours, then Days.......
We never thought that time would run out on us, we controlled everything that might have been put in front of us. Before you knew it one would leave us, just by being too tired from helping out at a new Place, that all would have the chance to enjoy.
Another, had his place, but could not beat the odds of what was dealt him in the early times. I had the chance to go all night with these two, & end up having breakfast at Mcdonalds in New Milford, rolling around on the ground while the 'normal' people watched in disbelief. Why was that..? was it because it was still Breakfast in their world..? It didn't matter, our world was for the here and now, to live as we wanted.
There was a time when I actually worked two jobs a day. One being the Bartender to the Masses at night. The other, I started doing move re-modeling jobs. I would do anything it took, to have not just the money, but that freedom to do what I thought at the time, was the right to Party. In both aspects, I had the chance to work with a friend that helped me when it got time to paint, he taught me how to handle a Sprayer, for the big out side jobs. He was also was with me when, it was time for check- in at the Door. He was the first to get there & as it turned out, it helped when the Bar was to open around 8:00 p.m. One night he WAS on time and I was there also, except for the fact that I was passed out on the Stage from the last night. No problem, after hearing him bang on the door for probable ten or fifteen minutes, I got up and proceeded to get the bar set up in record time, without my usual help.
At the time all bars had music, in one form or another. In that last place I mentioned, that's all we had. A very diverse group of fine musicians, mostly top of the line local groups, and then some popular National headliners. Our biggest and finest group was actually a local band played there, and our other place up the road.
They were the top of everyone's list. We all came out to see and listen to this fine group of dedicated Musicians.
Now that time has taken it's toll, the one stand out in the group who kept the spirit alive, with his energy and thoughtfulness, to continue, with no thought of his own greatness, but just there so that everyone enjoying it would shine. He now Shines bright in all our Hearts....
There are others who are gone that desires mentioning, but for now I will pass that on to a party that was started three years ago, for a reunion for all that are here to remember, but now one of a memorial and tribute to those that have left us, so we may rejoice in the fact of knowing them, and making our lives that much fuller...
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Now most of you know that I am a car lover, enthusiast, & well sometimes just an over bearing nut about my Cars. I've been this way since I could sit behind the wheel on my fathers lap at nine, taking to the road like I owned it. It wasn't long after that I had out grown my Go-cart-wagons, when I was about Twelve, that I got my first car. Yes it was a full grown, grown-up car. Which was a Fifty Three Chrysler, with an automatic fluid drive transmission. Which meant you could use it like an Automatic, Or use the clutch to shift.
Well don't that beat all, I had it good going both ways. Acting like a real Hot Rodder or just cruising around the Camp Ground where I grew up. The car was a beast, big & bold. When I had to detour off the road & over a ditch, I decided to name it 'Tank'.
Tank & I enjoyed may summer's raising the dust to many camper's dislike. But it didn't happen that often, & since I'd hear about it from my Dad, not too soon after I was pretty good at just doing it off season or during the week when it was the most quiet. I did take it out on a late October day when we had a light snow on the ground. Hey why not see where & what I could do in the snow. I found out quick enough when I came around a corner, & decided to go off the road. That was a turning point not just in my car, but also in my life. I made the turn but not able to take the corner I hit a tree with my right head light!
Needless to say I had the hardest time trying to get up the nerve to tell my father, not to mention my Mom. But just being thirteen with a 'Lot' car, things pretty much took care of themselves. It only took another three to four years for the real truth to sink in!
Yes, beleive it or not I did get into some bad situations growing up behind the wheel. At this time I'd rather not get into that particular part of my life. I would just like to comment on the present time, when now I'm living in the part of a State that I only visited once & awhile, also said at those times that 'I would never live here full time'. Ahhh, but here I am & actually enjoying it. It wasn't that easy when I first got here. The first thing you had to do was adjust to was the traffic. First of all there's a LOT of it, on four, five & sometimes six lanes to contend with. Most of the people that drive them aren't what I'm used to from up in Connecticut. It's like Russian roulette.
Which brings me to ONE of my pet topics of who is driving here and why they don't make driving safer.
Who is driving is one thing with all the 'elderly', we used to call them 'Bluehairs' or like one of my friends here like to use 'Q-tips',but of course now having to be careful, since they may think of me as one.
Now on the opposite side are these kids that just got there license. Yes I know you just heard me describe early driving history, and yes there is more to it.But I'm talking fifty years later, & in Quite another world. Kids are killing themselves, because the parents are out there buying them new cars before they even know whats in store for them. They need more time to make the connection of what is the most responsible in driving these roads & just taking a 'Joy-ride'.
The other point I'd like to make & has been bugging me for some time now is the fact that GMC came out with 'running lights' in the early Eighties, where a low beam stays on the whole time you are driving. I remember back in the early Seventies when VW & a few others came out with that side light on the front fender & I also remember this because I was helping a friend to buy a VW that had this light. He asked me what I thought of that & told him that any thing to help the other driver to see you, was a good idea. Now all cars still have them on the front & back fenders. So why doesn't all the car makers have the much needed safety feature of all time running lights! General Motors still have it as does VW, Audi, & a few other German & foreign cars. I know it would be a big help down here with the early morning fog, & the late rush hours.
I recently wrote a letter to the local paper on this same subject, since I noticed that someone else had written something similar a week or so ago. No it wasn't or hasn't been published, but it just so happened that this week someone else did write in on the very subject.
Now all I can do is wait & hope that either my letter or many other letters will find it's way to ...'Whom it may concern'....
Well don't that beat all, I had it good going both ways. Acting like a real Hot Rodder or just cruising around the Camp Ground where I grew up. The car was a beast, big & bold. When I had to detour off the road & over a ditch, I decided to name it 'Tank'.
Tank & I enjoyed may summer's raising the dust to many camper's dislike. But it didn't happen that often, & since I'd hear about it from my Dad, not too soon after I was pretty good at just doing it off season or during the week when it was the most quiet. I did take it out on a late October day when we had a light snow on the ground. Hey why not see where & what I could do in the snow. I found out quick enough when I came around a corner, & decided to go off the road. That was a turning point not just in my car, but also in my life. I made the turn but not able to take the corner I hit a tree with my right head light!
Needless to say I had the hardest time trying to get up the nerve to tell my father, not to mention my Mom. But just being thirteen with a 'Lot' car, things pretty much took care of themselves. It only took another three to four years for the real truth to sink in!
Yes, beleive it or not I did get into some bad situations growing up behind the wheel. At this time I'd rather not get into that particular part of my life. I would just like to comment on the present time, when now I'm living in the part of a State that I only visited once & awhile, also said at those times that 'I would never live here full time'. Ahhh, but here I am & actually enjoying it. It wasn't that easy when I first got here. The first thing you had to do was adjust to was the traffic. First of all there's a LOT of it, on four, five & sometimes six lanes to contend with. Most of the people that drive them aren't what I'm used to from up in Connecticut. It's like Russian roulette.
Which brings me to ONE of my pet topics of who is driving here and why they don't make driving safer.
Who is driving is one thing with all the 'elderly', we used to call them 'Bluehairs' or like one of my friends here like to use 'Q-tips',but of course now having to be careful, since they may think of me as one.
Now on the opposite side are these kids that just got there license. Yes I know you just heard me describe early driving history, and yes there is more to it.But I'm talking fifty years later, & in Quite another world. Kids are killing themselves, because the parents are out there buying them new cars before they even know whats in store for them. They need more time to make the connection of what is the most responsible in driving these roads & just taking a 'Joy-ride'.
The other point I'd like to make & has been bugging me for some time now is the fact that GMC came out with 'running lights' in the early Eighties, where a low beam stays on the whole time you are driving. I remember back in the early Seventies when VW & a few others came out with that side light on the front fender & I also remember this because I was helping a friend to buy a VW that had this light. He asked me what I thought of that & told him that any thing to help the other driver to see you, was a good idea. Now all cars still have them on the front & back fenders. So why doesn't all the car makers have the much needed safety feature of all time running lights! General Motors still have it as does VW, Audi, & a few other German & foreign cars. I know it would be a big help down here with the early morning fog, & the late rush hours.
I recently wrote a letter to the local paper on this same subject, since I noticed that someone else had written something similar a week or so ago. No it wasn't or hasn't been published, but it just so happened that this week someone else did write in on the very subject.
Now all I can do is wait & hope that either my letter or many other letters will find it's way to ...'Whom it may concern'....
Friday, June 14, 2013
I just mentioned to a friend the other day that I was going out on an adventure that day, but could not elaborate until, of course , after my return. One reason was that I wasn't sure if it would qualify for an actual 'Adventure' as we know it. Also I'm not in the best of positions to be in what most people consider an 'Adventure'. Ah, but for me to go out of my designated 'safe zone', I left it at that.
I started out with all the paper work that I need, that I had received in the mail the previous day. YOU ARE THE LUCKY WINNER OF 3 PRIZES. Wow, not only do I get to go 'out', I may just come home with something other than Bananas. I proceed on my sojourn to the first bus stop. Which then took me to the main terminal, where I would board the bus to my Prize Winning destination.
As I walked over to the area where that bus would depart, I suddenly noticed that I would not be the only one heading that way. I was a Freckin' Mob. After calming down and accessing the situation, I noticed that a second bus would arrive shortly after...did I mention that I was suppose to be at the Prize location between 1 & was 1:33. Not to panic , I stood patiently, and there to my left, as the bus was about to arrive, A nice young lady stood next to me & said I could go ahead, since I resembled her Dad. At that time I didn't have much time to think if I should take that as a compliment or not. No sooner could I react, then she asked me if I knew 'Captain Jack' ! Whoah, now, did she actually ask me If I new some one that I met years ago with my friend Mo, who lived in Spring Hill an hour & a half away, and Dougy Bear, who lived close to this Captain Jack, who put on some wonderful 'Jams' on his, what you may call an 'Artist Colony' in a thicket of trees. a bond fire in the middle, and no less than 30 to 40 people gathering around listening to some great tunes...?!! Well sure as shit it was and she proclaimed to be his daughter!
I didn't even have a chance to ask her name, when all were loading on to that Bus. She said she had to get on that one, since she was going to work. I took one look at the over-filled bus stepped back & waited for the next one, giving me time to digest what had just happened.
The next bus did arrive in what I thought was plenty of time, and another interesting thing happened. The bus driver was one that I was familiar with, and he me, when I lived across from Joe. He said he's been on this route for over a year....oh yeah , a year ain't so long any more.
I did get to my destination on time and proceeded to find the location of my big prizes. I asked the greeter at Wal-Mart which way it was that I can claim all my winnings. She said I have to go back out and go to the FAR end of the parking lot...which was the opposite end I had just walked from the bus stop in 90+ degree temps. I made it there just in time, it was like 2:52....I got some one to help me and he was nice enough to point out what I had 'won'. Then he sat down and asked if I was interested in a car. No, not at that time, it seems they had filled that section of the parking lot with 'pre-owned' cars.
Not to fear I was still in the running to a scratch-off worth $50,000 . I also was given a card for $300 in on-line shopping & the biggie of $1,000, I had in my hand to go, what I thought, a shopping spree at Wal-Marts. Alrighttty then. No $50 grand, no car, a card to shop on least I can retrieve something from this $1,000 when I get back across the parking lot.
I went to the customer service counter to start to see how I go about getting this great prize I've been holding. When I showed it to the Lady behind the counter, she said that this has nothing to do with them, those people are just using that part of the lot for their Cars.
At that point I did feel a little foolish, I did start to read the fine print, but just didn't want to believe it. I was on an adventure after all, and noting was going to sway me in any other direction!
Yes I was wrong for be a little bit gullable, and should always read the fine print, and take some advice from the internet about being 'scammed'.
I left with my banana's in toe, and a story to be told. Maybe not the Shopping spree, but why the Hell did the girl ask me if I knew her Dad, who I happened to know , at a place where another similar thing happened. It was a few years ago, when I went there..the Jam...with Crash, on one of his visits. We were all sitting around the fire, enjoying the music, when Crash got me & said I have to come and meet someone. Over on the other side of the Circle. He brought me to a man who said he knew me. It happened to be the son of the Ranger at Sherwood Island on the Ct. shore. His father & mine were Ranger's at the same time & we used to go as kids..myself, maybe 7or 8 at the time, to swim in Salt water.
I vaguely remember him he being ten to twelve years older & as far as that goes I wouldn't have remembered him at all, if it wasn't for the time we went there just to visit at night, and were driving along the parking lot when we came across a car with some guys in it, surprised them a bit, because I could see them trying to hide the bottle It was him, and that was ...well so much for math...years ago. Now here he is sitting across from me many years & miles later.
On my next visit it was my birthday, and asked his son for a copy of that picture he took of me, Mo, Crash, & his Dad. He handed me not just a beautiful framed picture , but his Dad does 'Driftwood Art' so I now have a Toad Stool made of two different types of wood, next to that wonderful picture, that will remind me of what can be done when you think it an Adventure.
You may or may not be a 'believer' in certain kinds of 'Fate'....but for me, I have just told of two distinctive circumstances that might have just given me the will to Keep on Keepin' on....
Love to all, thanx for putting up with me....Peace-out!
I started out with all the paper work that I need, that I had received in the mail the previous day. YOU ARE THE LUCKY WINNER OF 3 PRIZES. Wow, not only do I get to go 'out', I may just come home with something other than Bananas. I proceed on my sojourn to the first bus stop. Which then took me to the main terminal, where I would board the bus to my Prize Winning destination.
As I walked over to the area where that bus would depart, I suddenly noticed that I would not be the only one heading that way. I was a Freckin' Mob. After calming down and accessing the situation, I noticed that a second bus would arrive shortly after...did I mention that I was suppose to be at the Prize location between 1 & was 1:33. Not to panic , I stood patiently, and there to my left, as the bus was about to arrive, A nice young lady stood next to me & said I could go ahead, since I resembled her Dad. At that time I didn't have much time to think if I should take that as a compliment or not. No sooner could I react, then she asked me if I knew 'Captain Jack' ! Whoah, now, did she actually ask me If I new some one that I met years ago with my friend Mo, who lived in Spring Hill an hour & a half away, and Dougy Bear, who lived close to this Captain Jack, who put on some wonderful 'Jams' on his, what you may call an 'Artist Colony' in a thicket of trees. a bond fire in the middle, and no less than 30 to 40 people gathering around listening to some great tunes...?!! Well sure as shit it was and she proclaimed to be his daughter!
I didn't even have a chance to ask her name, when all were loading on to that Bus. She said she had to get on that one, since she was going to work. I took one look at the over-filled bus stepped back & waited for the next one, giving me time to digest what had just happened.
The next bus did arrive in what I thought was plenty of time, and another interesting thing happened. The bus driver was one that I was familiar with, and he me, when I lived across from Joe. He said he's been on this route for over a year....oh yeah , a year ain't so long any more.
I did get to my destination on time and proceeded to find the location of my big prizes. I asked the greeter at Wal-Mart which way it was that I can claim all my winnings. She said I have to go back out and go to the FAR end of the parking lot...which was the opposite end I had just walked from the bus stop in 90+ degree temps. I made it there just in time, it was like 2:52....I got some one to help me and he was nice enough to point out what I had 'won'. Then he sat down and asked if I was interested in a car. No, not at that time, it seems they had filled that section of the parking lot with 'pre-owned' cars.
Not to fear I was still in the running to a scratch-off worth $50,000 . I also was given a card for $300 in on-line shopping & the biggie of $1,000, I had in my hand to go, what I thought, a shopping spree at Wal-Marts. Alrighttty then. No $50 grand, no car, a card to shop on least I can retrieve something from this $1,000 when I get back across the parking lot.
I went to the customer service counter to start to see how I go about getting this great prize I've been holding. When I showed it to the Lady behind the counter, she said that this has nothing to do with them, those people are just using that part of the lot for their Cars.
At that point I did feel a little foolish, I did start to read the fine print, but just didn't want to believe it. I was on an adventure after all, and noting was going to sway me in any other direction!
Yes I was wrong for be a little bit gullable, and should always read the fine print, and take some advice from the internet about being 'scammed'.
I left with my banana's in toe, and a story to be told. Maybe not the Shopping spree, but why the Hell did the girl ask me if I knew her Dad, who I happened to know , at a place where another similar thing happened. It was a few years ago, when I went there..the Jam...with Crash, on one of his visits. We were all sitting around the fire, enjoying the music, when Crash got me & said I have to come and meet someone. Over on the other side of the Circle. He brought me to a man who said he knew me. It happened to be the son of the Ranger at Sherwood Island on the Ct. shore. His father & mine were Ranger's at the same time & we used to go as kids..myself, maybe 7or 8 at the time, to swim in Salt water.
I vaguely remember him he being ten to twelve years older & as far as that goes I wouldn't have remembered him at all, if it wasn't for the time we went there just to visit at night, and were driving along the parking lot when we came across a car with some guys in it, surprised them a bit, because I could see them trying to hide the bottle It was him, and that was ...well so much for math...years ago. Now here he is sitting across from me many years & miles later.
On my next visit it was my birthday, and asked his son for a copy of that picture he took of me, Mo, Crash, & his Dad. He handed me not just a beautiful framed picture , but his Dad does 'Driftwood Art' so I now have a Toad Stool made of two different types of wood, next to that wonderful picture, that will remind me of what can be done when you think it an Adventure.
You may or may not be a 'believer' in certain kinds of 'Fate'....but for me, I have just told of two distinctive circumstances that might have just given me the will to Keep on Keepin' on....
Love to all, thanx for putting up with me....Peace-out!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
...As most weekends come and go, so let this one be known as a 'Go-getter'...
As a lot of you may have seen already I've been away from my duties on fb now since Thursday. Then again maybe not so much! Either way, I was able to escape my encampment at my Apartment complex, thanks to my friend Don, and with him a lady that makes all entrapment, just seem like another good day. Well this wasn't going to be just another day, or days, or weekend! This was the real deal to a Memorial weekend Celebration. So it was the next week, this is after all the end of the month & the beginning of a new one. That new one, being June....ALL READY....!!
Don had already made plans to cook Breakfast & lunch on the beach for Saturday. Sounds good to me, but we still had Friday. That was soon solved when I decided to go to Caddy's on Sunset can refer to my oh so powerful pose in the surf that greatly resembles The Hulkster...! I really like this Beach, & rate it right up there with the finest to be found in Florida. No I haven't been to them ALL, but determined to do so as long as my Physic can hold up. We sat on the upper level with it's own Bar & view of the whole beach, and what ever may pass by, no matter how distracting. We were soon joined by a lovely couple that wanted to get out of the Rain, which had come about rather abruptly, as most Summer storms do. He worked on a gambling boat, at John's Pass, & she was a waitress...go figure. and with one like her's there was no second guessing. After the rain had stopped, they headed to the beach, and we headed to the next bar.
The next place we stopped at was just up the beach, and was called 'Screwie Louies' South Beach Bar. This too was another favorite, having access to both inside & out, but no view of the Beach. Although it made up for it by having some of the best Sea food meals close by. We didn't stay long, and was soon on our way back, so that Don could drop me off, and we all could start fresh the next day.
The Weather was a mix all Friday, but didn't think too much of it by the time Saturday rolled around.
So much for timing, Don & Shiela picked me up promptly at 8:00 a.m. so that Don could start cooking breakfast in time for none of us would go be hungry. No sooner than we started out, first to go back & pick up something left at Shiela's , we seemed to be heading straight into a Hell-of-va storm. No worries, down here all yo have to do is change directions, and go for the 'bright-spot'. Which in our case was toward the beach we were going to. We like to go to the Gandy Beach for sun & fun, since you can back right up close to the water, & have at it. Sure enough, by the time we reached the beach the Sun was out. You can refer to this one to the pic. of me hangin' in the tree. I took Otis here, oh yeah the pic of Otis in the water was where I always parked. This is on the Bay side, so you'll notice that the water isn't that 'nice blue' but it makes up for it when you can pull right on the beach & party along with your dog.
We set up & before you knew it, the eggs, sausage, & toast were just about ready. The Sun was moving in & out all morning, so you really didn't know how much Sun you were getting. I found out as we were leaving. I did have Don take some shots to prove it. Will try to transfer to fb.
Leaving the beach, there is another good Sea food place called the Crab Shack, where a friend works but didn't stop, maybe tomorrow. We headed home but before we got to close, thought we may as well stop at the bar that Shiela works, Sneaky 'D's. Caught up on the crew, always good to see who's still Kickin'.
Sunday started out a little later, since we were going for the lunch, that we didn't have on Saturday. This time the Sun was out & it stayed out the whole, time making it an early stay & left shortly after having some very nice Steaks on the Grill. We...I for one..couldn't sit facing the Sun any more, so we departed and soon was on our way to The Corner Bar, where we were to meet some friends, & visit with Julie the Bartender that we all knew from the first bar I started going to when I first came here.
Was good timing, we met the couple as we drove in, also the Rays were playing, so we got to see them kick some ass. & win another. So that was enough, headed back, so that Monday couldn't have come sooner.
Don picked me up early Monday morning, so that I could get some errands done. Then he wanted to split & get back. Couldn't blame him there...I was right there with him. So we still needed a little time to kill until Sam's open, so after K-Mart we stopped at the 'Office'..that's Sneaky's...since when Joe & the rest of us would be there for quite a few business meeting after 'work'. Finished up by getting my Sams done & Don made it out in time to be on the road by Noon. Myself, I took the short road to a long nap.
It was a most enjoyable weekend, that like I said, had more resemblence to a real Holiday. Was also nice to have this Cyber thingy shut down for a few days, but now feeling good about being back....speaking of being back from a weekend of Feasting & Flocking , it seems that we have some hope for two terrible diseases. Both may become popular while eating out. One was that Coconut Oil may have some benefits for defusing Alzheimer's at an early stage. The other is that Michael Douglas suggests Oral Sex most likely caused his throat Cancer.
Well here we are in June already, so you know what that means, August will be upon us soon, so get ready for more Fun & Frolicking at the next Re-union/ tribute party at Charlie's, along with music & a meal of Roasted Pig. 'Til then......8/17...peace-out....
Don had already made plans to cook Breakfast & lunch on the beach for Saturday. Sounds good to me, but we still had Friday. That was soon solved when I decided to go to Caddy's on Sunset can refer to my oh so powerful pose in the surf that greatly resembles The Hulkster...! I really like this Beach, & rate it right up there with the finest to be found in Florida. No I haven't been to them ALL, but determined to do so as long as my Physic can hold up. We sat on the upper level with it's own Bar & view of the whole beach, and what ever may pass by, no matter how distracting. We were soon joined by a lovely couple that wanted to get out of the Rain, which had come about rather abruptly, as most Summer storms do. He worked on a gambling boat, at John's Pass, & she was a waitress...go figure. and with one like her's there was no second guessing. After the rain had stopped, they headed to the beach, and we headed to the next bar.
The next place we stopped at was just up the beach, and was called 'Screwie Louies' South Beach Bar. This too was another favorite, having access to both inside & out, but no view of the Beach. Although it made up for it by having some of the best Sea food meals close by. We didn't stay long, and was soon on our way back, so that Don could drop me off, and we all could start fresh the next day.
The Weather was a mix all Friday, but didn't think too much of it by the time Saturday rolled around.
So much for timing, Don & Shiela picked me up promptly at 8:00 a.m. so that Don could start cooking breakfast in time for none of us would go be hungry. No sooner than we started out, first to go back & pick up something left at Shiela's , we seemed to be heading straight into a Hell-of-va storm. No worries, down here all yo have to do is change directions, and go for the 'bright-spot'. Which in our case was toward the beach we were going to. We like to go to the Gandy Beach for sun & fun, since you can back right up close to the water, & have at it. Sure enough, by the time we reached the beach the Sun was out. You can refer to this one to the pic. of me hangin' in the tree. I took Otis here, oh yeah the pic of Otis in the water was where I always parked. This is on the Bay side, so you'll notice that the water isn't that 'nice blue' but it makes up for it when you can pull right on the beach & party along with your dog.
We set up & before you knew it, the eggs, sausage, & toast were just about ready. The Sun was moving in & out all morning, so you really didn't know how much Sun you were getting. I found out as we were leaving. I did have Don take some shots to prove it. Will try to transfer to fb.
Leaving the beach, there is another good Sea food place called the Crab Shack, where a friend works but didn't stop, maybe tomorrow. We headed home but before we got to close, thought we may as well stop at the bar that Shiela works, Sneaky 'D's. Caught up on the crew, always good to see who's still Kickin'.
Sunday started out a little later, since we were going for the lunch, that we didn't have on Saturday. This time the Sun was out & it stayed out the whole, time making it an early stay & left shortly after having some very nice Steaks on the Grill. We...I for one..couldn't sit facing the Sun any more, so we departed and soon was on our way to The Corner Bar, where we were to meet some friends, & visit with Julie the Bartender that we all knew from the first bar I started going to when I first came here.
Was good timing, we met the couple as we drove in, also the Rays were playing, so we got to see them kick some ass. & win another. So that was enough, headed back, so that Monday couldn't have come sooner.
Don picked me up early Monday morning, so that I could get some errands done. Then he wanted to split & get back. Couldn't blame him there...I was right there with him. So we still needed a little time to kill until Sam's open, so after K-Mart we stopped at the 'Office'..that's Sneaky's...since when Joe & the rest of us would be there for quite a few business meeting after 'work'. Finished up by getting my Sams done & Don made it out in time to be on the road by Noon. Myself, I took the short road to a long nap.
It was a most enjoyable weekend, that like I said, had more resemblence to a real Holiday. Was also nice to have this Cyber thingy shut down for a few days, but now feeling good about being back....speaking of being back from a weekend of Feasting & Flocking , it seems that we have some hope for two terrible diseases. Both may become popular while eating out. One was that Coconut Oil may have some benefits for defusing Alzheimer's at an early stage. The other is that Michael Douglas suggests Oral Sex most likely caused his throat Cancer.
Well here we are in June already, so you know what that means, August will be upon us soon, so get ready for more Fun & Frolicking at the next Re-union/ tribute party at Charlie's, along with music & a meal of Roasted Pig. 'Til then......8/17...peace-out....
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