After arriveing home w my 2 dogs, & a dead 'Affeck' duck in tow, all I could do was lay on the couch, numb from all the bites. I may not be allurgic, but after getting bit that much you can't do much more. All I could do while laying there , was to think of where am I going to get a white domestic duck, & what am I going to do w this one? Well the 2nd question was answered when I thought that I could sacrifice it to the Great White Oak. So I went to the top of a hill in New Milford where the Oak tree stood, & lay the Duck at it's base to lay in peace as it would in Heaven. Or something like that.
Now finding a replacement would seam to be a problem, but as luck would have it, at the time I was working in Kent. I would have to go down the Mountain every morning. One day as I was about to go over the crest, on the right I saw a sign, it read: Ducks for sale. I don't know how much it cost , all I know is that I had it before my party.
Now as most of you know this would be the 1st of 3 that I did...w alot of help from my friends. The 1st was Alive in '75 Lake Country Green , on May 24th 1975. It was in memory of my father, who died a year earier on April 24th '74. The event brought a 1000 people to Warren Woods. Which enabled me to give some proceeds to donate to 2 Fire Depts. & the Cancer society.
The next 2 were almost as successful, except for the fact that the one on Aug. 24th, the same rained. 400 showed for that one: Independence '76/ Remember America....for the Bi-centenial. Last , but not least:Warren Woods '76 /Dirt Roads are Down to Earth on July 24th , the next year. That was just to all out party!!! [with preservation in mind] That one brought back those 1000 people.
I would have liked to continued this tradition, but the town fathers said:"we don't want those 'types'coming into our town". So ended the hopes for Warren Woods '77.....'78....& so forth.
Of course looking back , that seems like a good idea now, & could'nt imagine doing it again, as much as I was beseiged w request to do another for many years after. It was dubbed 'The Minni Woodstock'. I'm glad to have done it & also glad that I just found my original ticket to ' Woodstock' from '69.
Well, I hoped you have learned, the Wasp is the less agressor...I hope this has helped.
As far as you,'ll just have to keep on 'posting' & maybe I'll just come up w another story for you...
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