Saturday, January 24, 2015 Takes a Spark......


                                        ......Been looking out there for so long.
                           It just doesn't seem fair, that I have to 
                           continue without, the sweet smell of the
                           Spring Flower's....or the sound that carries 
                           in the Wind, from the air.
                                I think that I have been cheated,
                           in some way, so that I may never get back
                           what I've been looking for so long.
                                 Only time will tell at this moment, 
                           what has been brought to me from the past.
                            A past so jumbled that only a Jester could see
                            that for this moment on only then I could be,
                            the person that I was sent here from another 
                            time, another place another World....
                                 How then does one take what was given 
                            him, then look the other stumble
                            to step aside, to catch himself, and Pray.
                                 Can they be answered in the most 
                            profound of ways, even simple, direct and 
                            within the days that were given him to be the 
                           person that he wanted to be for so long.
                   would take only that one Spark, 
                            to light the way.......


Saturday, January 17, 2015

.....Once more looking back at John Henry, as he & his family make their journey West....

            When John Henry and his family started their trip West, it was plagued with many misfortunes. First encountering those Mountain men that killed Lilly's husband, and Henry taking care of them, so that Lilly could live and move on with her with Henry and his mother and father. They managed to cross the mighty rivers that separated the East from the West, and now faced their most difficult challenge.....crossing the wide open Desert Plains....

        Getting to the Plains, where they met up with a wagon train heading West. The lead wagon comprised of husband and wife with two young children, a boy about eight and a girl about the same age as Lilly. The rest of the wagon train consisted of three more families. All having a wife and husband, and a mix of children ranging from a year old to Henry's age, which was about seventeen at the time.
        Henry's parent's became close to the lead family quickly, since they had more in common than with the rest. The lead family was more acquainted with this way making it out this far once before, as did Henry's father when he made past trips exploring the best route West.
         Soon they were on the move, slowly so that everyone got into a certain pace which was need to control all the wagons, as they moved closer to the plains, they wanted to make sure everyone was close and stuck to the Trail.

       Henry's family and the McKlintock's, those being the lead wagon of the Train, moved steady into the vast unknown of the Desert Plains, and soon it was clear who the stronger wagon families were. It was into the second day that they realized that they would have to separate themselves from the other three families, and move ahead of them knowing that they were not going to keep up the pace, that was needed to get through this wasteland with the supplies that they had with them.
          The other families understood and said they would either turn back or with any luck a bigger wagon train would come through, that had more supplies to help them get by.
      Now in unknown territories, where the dust blew hard during the day, and the cold set in at night, the two families forged ahead into a land that held many mysteries from other frontiersmen who had made it through and were able to talk about it. The one most worrisome was the stories of Indians that had no mercy on the 'White Man' that tries to take their land.
      There were gruesome tales of how the Indians would attack at night and drag the members of the Train back to their tribe and dismember the men, Rape and torture  the women, then take the young girls for Squaws, and raise them in the tribe. 
      Soon the two families came across evidence of this along the way, making it harder to focus and keep the pace which they needed to do with only three more days of rations, and five more days they thought that they needed to get to safety on the plush and safe side of the Plains........

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Under the Petrie Dish with myself, lizards, and a girl named Marley.....

           First of all I would like to disavow any connection with other named 'Lizards'. The first being the Lizard Squad, which has been connected to the computer Hacks of Play Station and Sony. I can do this in full confident since I'm no Hacker, even if some of you think what I write is a 'Hack-job'. Also I don't have the skills to perform such mind sets, with the little knowledge that I do have with this 'machine'..... also may pertain to my blog.
         The other is Lizard Juice, which is the contents to which you fill your 'E-cigarette' . I may indulge in some 'Juice' of sorts, but would not have my name associated to that particular brand! 
      So there you have it, a few things I needed to get straight for the new as far as the other things that concern me....

      It's been over 20 years since I was involved in a particular move that I was asked to help with. I was asked if I could get my younger daughter Cher Love out to Everett Washington, near Seattle, so that my other daughter could set her up with some living conditions, and that she may have the medical benefits that they offer to their residents. Tiffany, my oldest was there already, when she found out that Cher was pregnant. I was to be a Grandfather for the first time!
     In order to get a flight out, I had to ask a dear friend of mind if she could help out. Without a second thought, she handed me her credit card and told me to do what ever I had to, and to get my daughter on the Plane to a destination new to all of us, and now only a distant memory to one of my most memorable times in my life, thanks solely on a most generous and loving person as my...our...friend Ty.

      It wasn't until 10 or 11 years later that I got to meet the most wonderful of young girls, that I hadn't had a chance to do since the trip to Seattle. We hit it off right away, seamlessly going from one conversation to another, just as though we had been friends forever, and that she was much older in mind, than the Eleven years that she was on this Earth.

     Now in three days Marley Love will turn Twenty, and I made a terrible mistake a while back by trying to explain something only an old beat up Hippie would think it to be helpful in the coming years....I don't have that easy talking way with her now and have many regrets in the way I handled it. I can only hope with this new year upon us, that she will see my faults of being what I thought I was suppose to be..... Happy Birthday Marley....

     Now getting back to my past year. I spent more time in the Hospital than any other time that I could have imagined. First it was those dag-nabbed Blood Clots in my lungs. Then in between that and my next stay, was of course the Damn Sciatica, which can really slow ya down, especially in the heat this Summer. So  then came another strange bout with a visit to the Hospital once again.
      I went to the Emergency room with a pain in my I'm not talking about Karl. This was to be  'best for last' kinda situation, where if I hadn't been 'dragged' to the Hospital, something more drastic would have occurred. 
     Well a visit to my Doctor after I got out, had told me I 'Dodged' anther 'Bullet'....meaning the first one was the Clots. O.K good news bad news...good news I('m still here to tell about it..the bad, well I hope the bad is behind me...pardon the Pun...and that if the bad news is that things run in threes, than the third one happens back in the '60's..or the '70's...or the '80's, and possibly the '90's..! So I think I'm covered, I'm just glad I can be around for my Grandaughter's Birthday, and then of course everyone else that I love seeing here and in August.

     So I say to my Doctor.." what am I some specimen on a huge dish, for who knows what or 'who' is looking at me..?!"
      I guess time will tell and if I have anything to say about it you'll get it here on my blog, the one with the true Lizards Tale....