Here's a little Halloween story that's as scary as most. It's not so much that the story is all that Scary, it's the fact that I wrote this for a school assignment when I was in seventh or eighth grade and received a 'B' for it.
............It's called.........The Witches Brew...............
Witches Brew is about a Witch that lives in an old Creaky house with Spook friends. Their names are, Gobby the Goblin, Lucifer the cat, Stinky the Ghost, Marbles the Skeleton, and Babalooey the Bat.
Once in a Professors' School, there was Professor Blucas. He wanted an old house to study in. So I told him that there was one on West Road.
" Could you take me there ?"
" Yes, I could", I told him.
The next night the Professor came and brought, Clubber, the Policeman with his dog Skullamug, and with them came Maynard. We were all set to go!
As they were all heading for the house, when the house came into view, a Bat flew out and back in.
This is very Mysterious, they thought, but kept on going. Then they saw a light!
In the window of the house, they saw a was the Witch...with a pot in front of her stirring something.
Maynard said , " That must be the Witches Brew"!
They went closer, and heard noises and saw a Goblin, Skeleton, black Cat, and faintly made out what they thought was a Ghost!
Yes! It was, and with that, I said I'm getting out of here!
No! We're going to stay and study what we see, the Professor exclaimed.
The Bat came again, and then a Pumpkin Head rolled and hit Scullamug. He yelped and barked, then ran down the hill.
They all looked at the Pumpkin Head, and then the Professor asked if he was one of the Witches' friends. Yes and No he answered. What's that suppose to mean, asked the Professor.
Well I used to be, but they didn't want me around any more. My name is Punky.
The Professor introduced himself and all of us, then shortly after Punky told us that the Witch is hastily making up some Brew to make a person into a 'Spook' !
We all waited and waited...then total silence....
Then came a loud Boom! The old house blew up! They saw all the Spooks being blown into the Sky and last of all with a loud, shrill, scream....the Witch...!!
I do have to admit that I took some liberties in the a few areas of content. Which I don't suppose it helped all that much. But hey, what do you want for a Fifty Five Year old, or so document that has been buried all the years and then re-appearing on Halloween......
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
...bacdk to the Future, continued....
This is from the papers that I found in that 'Mystery Green Box' that I brought home from Connecticut on my last visit, which held a few 'old' papers that I had written from the early days of my life. They range anywhere from Grade School to the late '70's.....
This one in particular is one of many Prose that I wrote in what may be the early '70's when my hopelessly romantic side of me, from being a true Taurus, comes out.
It all began so quiet...
almost as if time had slowed
just to watch over this subdued
romance which blossomed as slow
and timeless as it had began.
Time drifts by, new love will linger
to enjoy and look back upon,
to move us ever so swiftly
into a 'just' understanding.
Not to say 'I will understand' completely
the reasons of such a short and
pronounced existence with love,
although I have come to an agreement
with my inner feelings:
She touched me ever so lightly with her eyes,
ever so gently with her hands, with both,
she reached out to hold me, never to hurt
or mistrust, just to promise,
a fleeting promise, to love.
That love is being held so close to my Heart,
that only the swift sword of Death
would cut it loose.............
This one in particular is one of many Prose that I wrote in what may be the early '70's when my hopelessly romantic side of me, from being a true Taurus, comes out.
It all began so quiet...
almost as if time had slowed
just to watch over this subdued
romance which blossomed as slow
and timeless as it had began.
Time drifts by, new love will linger
to enjoy and look back upon,
to move us ever so swiftly
into a 'just' understanding.
Not to say 'I will understand' completely
the reasons of such a short and
pronounced existence with love,
although I have come to an agreement
with my inner feelings:
She touched me ever so lightly with her eyes,
ever so gently with her hands, with both,
she reached out to hold me, never to hurt
or mistrust, just to promise,
a fleeting promise, to love.
That love is being held so close to my Heart,
that only the swift sword of Death
would cut it loose.............
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
...Dogs are people too...
I found this article in my paper the other day, and being an animal lover....a Dog lover...I thought I should share this with all you 'Lovers' out there.
Most of you have known all my Dogs, starting with Erin, an Irish Setter...who is probably one you don't know, but are all familiar with her first born...Tokas, I called him the 'Black Irishman'. Erin died shortly after she gave birth, but will always be remembered. My then wife & I named our first daughter, Tiffany Erin, as some what of a tribute.
Tokas was the best, we didn't even need to house-break him. He was with me for eleven wonderful years. We went everywhere together, as I found that was the norm for the rest of my Dogs to follow.
I then added Charlie, a beautiful Irish Setter Bitch. She and Tokas were quite the pair. Unfortunately she was hit in a 'freak' accident, and died from internal damages.
Once Tokas had left me it took me awhile to have another 'friend' enter my life. But then came Buddy, who I took in from a friend that could not keep him with the move he was about to make.
Buddy, again was another one that could not be compared to. He got away once, not of his own accord, but kidnapped when someone stole my car in front of the Pub, not knowing about the stow-away in the back seat. What a home coming when he finally got back to my a long about fashion.
While Buddy was still very much of my life, I took in a Yellow Lab puppy that some one had placed a card on the wall of the Laundry Mat where I frequented. The lady there pointed it out, but not sure at the time if I wanted two dogs. But I gave in, and thought that it wouldn't hurt to call, some-what feeling that it would be gone anyway. I left a message that one Sunday after wash. A week later, the lady there asked me about the Dog. I told her I just got the machine, and hadn't heard back. Just knowing, a dog like that would be snapped up.
When I returned home, I had a message from the owner of that Lab. I called back & she explained that she had to return to California to finish her move. Part of that move was that she couldn't have a dog. I told her that I was surprised she hadn't gotten some one else to take him. She then explained that she had other calls, but waited for me to get in touch, since she heard about me and my relationship with such animals.
I had her bring him by to get a close look. She came a presented me with one of the most beautiful and 'spirited' dog I ever new. He was nine months old, but could tell he'd pass the test when I asked her to bring him back was a diffineate maybe.
She gave me his papers,since he was registered, but 'fixed'. Also a picture of his father. The papers showed his full name as: Sir Otis Dreams'. From then on it was 'Oat' and me with Buddy showing him the Ropes before it was time to say good-bye to anther good Buddy.
Well that's about it. Otis being the last of many wonderful
Dogs that I call my best friends, since I felt that they were people too, and should be treated as such.....
....... Now back to the article....this is but a summary, shortened since I took the liberty of summing up my Dog-friends, to length...
The author said that they had trained his Dog to go into an MRI scanner...completely awake and unrestrained. They wanted to determine how Dogs' brains worked and, even more important, what they think of us humans.
Now, after training and scanning a dozen Dog, they came to one inescapable conclusion : that Dogs are people too.
The ability to experience positive emotions, like love and attachment, would mean that Dogs have a level of sentience comparable to that of a human child. Dogs, and probably many other animals [especially our closest primate relatives], seem to have emotions just like us.
That being a very condensed version, but hoping to get mine and many others opinions across about this love for our animals....
Most of you have known all my Dogs, starting with Erin, an Irish Setter...who is probably one you don't know, but are all familiar with her first born...Tokas, I called him the 'Black Irishman'. Erin died shortly after she gave birth, but will always be remembered. My then wife & I named our first daughter, Tiffany Erin, as some what of a tribute.
Tokas was the best, we didn't even need to house-break him. He was with me for eleven wonderful years. We went everywhere together, as I found that was the norm for the rest of my Dogs to follow.
I then added Charlie, a beautiful Irish Setter Bitch. She and Tokas were quite the pair. Unfortunately she was hit in a 'freak' accident, and died from internal damages.
Once Tokas had left me it took me awhile to have another 'friend' enter my life. But then came Buddy, who I took in from a friend that could not keep him with the move he was about to make.
Buddy, again was another one that could not be compared to. He got away once, not of his own accord, but kidnapped when someone stole my car in front of the Pub, not knowing about the stow-away in the back seat. What a home coming when he finally got back to my a long about fashion.
While Buddy was still very much of my life, I took in a Yellow Lab puppy that some one had placed a card on the wall of the Laundry Mat where I frequented. The lady there pointed it out, but not sure at the time if I wanted two dogs. But I gave in, and thought that it wouldn't hurt to call, some-what feeling that it would be gone anyway. I left a message that one Sunday after wash. A week later, the lady there asked me about the Dog. I told her I just got the machine, and hadn't heard back. Just knowing, a dog like that would be snapped up.
When I returned home, I had a message from the owner of that Lab. I called back & she explained that she had to return to California to finish her move. Part of that move was that she couldn't have a dog. I told her that I was surprised she hadn't gotten some one else to take him. She then explained that she had other calls, but waited for me to get in touch, since she heard about me and my relationship with such animals.
I had her bring him by to get a close look. She came a presented me with one of the most beautiful and 'spirited' dog I ever new. He was nine months old, but could tell he'd pass the test when I asked her to bring him back was a diffineate maybe.
She gave me his papers,since he was registered, but 'fixed'. Also a picture of his father. The papers showed his full name as: Sir Otis Dreams'. From then on it was 'Oat' and me with Buddy showing him the Ropes before it was time to say good-bye to anther good Buddy.
Well that's about it. Otis being the last of many wonderful
Dogs that I call my best friends, since I felt that they were people too, and should be treated as such.....
....... Now back to the article....this is but a summary, shortened since I took the liberty of summing up my Dog-friends, to length...
The author said that they had trained his Dog to go into an MRI scanner...completely awake and unrestrained. They wanted to determine how Dogs' brains worked and, even more important, what they think of us humans.
Now, after training and scanning a dozen Dog, they came to one inescapable conclusion : that Dogs are people too.
The ability to experience positive emotions, like love and attachment, would mean that Dogs have a level of sentience comparable to that of a human child. Dogs, and probably many other animals [especially our closest primate relatives], seem to have emotions just like us.
That being a very condensed version, but hoping to get mine and many others opinions across about this love for our animals....
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Looking back to the Future
These days that are upon us now will be a defining moment for us all. It seems hard to understand what is going on some time, when all along it seemed 'Black & White'. But now the future is blurred with no definition of what will come. I for one, would like to think that it'll be o.k. since the time I have spent here, is much longer than the time I'm about to endure for remaining bit of space that I will encounter in the future.
I will continue with some writings of my past that at the time were called a 'Journal' that was hand written at the time, and now to the modern form which I use now, the 'Blog'.
It was an early Spring day, or maybe a late Summer one. Either way, there I was, sitting at one of the 'High-tops' by the window at the Pub, writing on a yellow 'legal' note pad. I just glanced up when a dear friend, that had just come in, walked away from the bar, and headed over to talk.She asked me what I was doing. Well it seemed simple enough to me, and I believed she did too. But for some reason she need some kind of explanation, since normally she saw me at the Pub holding a beer, and not a pen.
I told her that I was just writing some things down that had occurred that day and in the past few days.
" Oh", she said and asked me why. 'Well, I just like the idea of maybe someday it would be good to look back to see what went on in my life at that time, since who knows what kind of memory you would have if you did want to 'remember' those days'.
She nodded politely, and went on her way. I stayed a bit longer, finished my beer, put my papers away for the day and proceeded to have another beer at the bar. At that time, it became obvious to me, and now Marcy, why I was recording memories down on paper.
The following is part of those 'paper' Dayz.......'s dated October 13th, 1975.......
I have just returned from an exhausting weekend with the kids, who now live with their Mother. To add to my depression with the rain still falling, Charlie, my wonderful Irish Setter, had died Friday night, after being hit by a bike that some kids rode by the house on, and Charlie, not liking Bikes or Horses, ran out barking, and got there when the following kids didn't have time to stop, and hit her square in the chest which created internal bleeding, and irreputable damage. She will be missed.
I would like to bury her tomorrow. Tokas seems lonely, as he should be..they were some pair. A Black Irishman, and the beautiful 'Red Head'! The love she had for me I will never forget!
I lack understanding from such a death. Many people and things around me help, but I'm afraid death is to fearful to satisfy my deep thought of why such a thing has happened again.
I do hope my understanding will be broadened shortly, fore I do not wish it to happen again, without the knowledge of knowing why!
This particular writing was done the same year as when I got a divorce, and my father died. As some of you may recall at the beginning of that summer, I threw a party in memory of my father, who died on April 24, 1974. On May 24th, 1975, we all gathered at the 'Woods' to celebrate, 'Alive in '75'. Just a small group of a thousand friends.
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